Art - Portrait Quilts

Susan Sherman
AP 1705

Where are we going from Here?
Daniela Tiger
AP 1743

Eagle Eye
Carol Seeley
AP 1747

Revenge of the Doodle
Natasha de Souza Bugarin, Aline Stefane de Souza Bugarin
AP 1898

Race to the Summit
Brigitte Villeneuve
AP 1955

Bernadette Yuzik
AP 1956

Tandem (Shane and Paul)
Fuzzy Mall
AP 2022

The Choice
Judy Leslie
AP 2029

Purple Sensation
Tracey Lawko
AP 2069

Brazilian Butterfly save the World.
Eliana Arruda
AP 2104

Arborist: Tree Spirit
Joan Kilpatrick
AP 2113

Please Don't Leave Yet
Sandy Simmelink
AP 2117

Vivian Kapusta
AP 2124

Darlise Iachel Vespoli Taboada
AP 2135

Cree Hunters II
Maggie Vanderweit
AP 2141

Roxanne Nelson
AP 2165