Advertise With Us


PRINT: Canadian Quilter Magazine

Reach quilters and quilt lovers across the country and around the world, from traditional to modern, contemporary to art, and novice through professional. To share the insights and passions of this creative community, we distribute Canadian Quilter magazine to our members three times per year, including:

  • 2500+ quilters and quilt lovers
  • 290+ quilt guilds
  • 150+ professional quilters and shops


The 2024 Website Package includes ad placement on the Home page, all Quilt Canada pages, and the busiest quilt galleries: National Juried Show award winners, TrendTex Challenge, and Youth Challenge. When you purchase a print ad, you may also purchase digital ads to run in three-month blocks.

Did You Know?
The audience is 78% female and 22% male. Half of users are 54 years of age and under; half are 55+.


CQA/ACC offers advertising opportunities in three email newsletters:

Member Newsletter
Audience 2500 x 2 per month

General Newsletter
Audience 8300 x 1 per month

Canadian Quilter Newsletter
Audience – Member 2500 x 1 per month
Audience – General 8300 x 1 per month

Quilters are Engaged!
The CQA/ACC newsletters perform well above average in terms of engagement. Open Rates for the Member newsletters are consistently 70-80%, and for the General Newsletter 55-60%. Click Rates average 15-25% for Members, and 8-13% for General.

The three newsletters are scheduled approximately one week apart, for a total of 4 campaigns per month.


CQA/ACC is please to offer a new advertising program just for guilds, with budget-friendly pricing. This includes print advertising in Canadian Quilter magazine, as well as digital advertising in the General eNewsletter, which is sent to more than 8,000 quilters each month.

Space will be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis. Download the Rate Card for details.

Questions?  Please contact