Canadian Quilter Contract Magazine Editor Services(12 Month Contract Opportunity) CQA/ACC is seeking an individual to provide contract Editor services to develop magazine content, oversee production of the magazine, website and blog content at, produce monthly e-newsletters, and provide miscellaneous copywriting services. |
Volunteer Positions
CQA/ACC President
The President is the chief executive officer of the Corporation and presides at all meetings of the Corporation and of the Board of Directors. The President will have the general and active management of the affairs of the Corporation and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect.
- As Chief Executive Officer, chairs all Board meetings whether virtual or in person.
- Works with members of the Board in their assigned duties, to develop the strategic direction for the organization.
- Puts into effect the decisions of the Board, including motions or other resolutions.
- Negotiates the contract for, manages and works with the Executive Director to develop an operation plan and budget based on the Board’s strategic direction.
- Prepares and presents the annual report on behalf of the Board at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and conducts the AGM.
- Acts as a liaison between the members of the Board.
- Writes the “President’s Message” for each issue of Canadian Quilter magazine during the term of office.
- Acts as a signing officer when necessary and reviews all electronic transactions prepared by the Board Treasurer.
- Shares with the Executive Director, the responsibility of handling official correspondence.
- Sits as an ex-officio member of all CQA/ACC committees and is kept informed of all activities and arrangements by Executive Director and Board members.
- Sends, with the Executive Director, the official welcome to all new Directors, Regional Representatives (RR’S), employees and contractors.
- Keeps, with the Executive Director and Secretary, documentation up to date and informs Directors of any revised documents.
- Develops, with the Board and Executive Director, the vision for the annual Quilt Canada conference.
- Speaks publicly on behalf of the Association when requested.
- Arranges congratulatory or condolence letters that are sent on behalf of the CQA/ACC.
- Selects, with Executive Director and NJS consultants (if available), the NJS Jury Coordinator, Jury members and Judges for the annual show.
- Determines, with the Executive Director and Board, the award prizes for the NJS and Association challenges.
- Assigns duties for vacant positions according to the instructions set out in the By-laws.
- Accepts and delegates duties as necessary.
Must be a member in good standing for two years previous to the nomination. Excellent leadership, organizational and time management skills are essential. A working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs and email is mandatory.
The term of office is one year and she/he moves to the Past President position the next year.
Rev 08/2023
CQA/ACC Vice President
Duties of the CQA/ACC Vice President
- Co-ordinates the TrendTex Quilt Challenge
- Oversees the Quilt Canada Teacher Selection Committee which includes selection of KeyNote Speaker(s), teachers and lecturers for the Quilt Canada Conference held during their Presidential year.
- Attends online and in-person Board meetings, committee meetings(as required) and Quilt Canada.
- Participates in the National Juried Show judging process (Judging Room observer)
- Moves on to President and then Past President roles (one year term for each)
- All activities have the support of all the Board Members
Candidate must be a member in good standing previous to their nomination. Excellent leadership, organizational and time management skills are essential. A working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs, email communication and social media is mandatory.
The term of office for the Vice President is one year. The Vice President moves onto the Presidency in the second year and Past President in the third year.
Rev. 08/2023
Past President
Duties of the CQA/ACC Past President
- Acts as a consultant to the current Board.
- Acts as the chair of the Nominating Committee, to fill Board vacancies as their term of office expires.
- Ensures that all prospective volunteers to the Board, are informed of the position duties and responsibilities when communicating with them and prior to presenting their names to the Board for acceptance.
- Is responsible for the NJS judging room, layout and oversees hanging at Quilt Canada and answers all questions related to this. Responsibilities include NJS floor plan, working with the NJS hanging/takedown chair, overseeing the NJS judging room, and is the contact person for all NJS Team Leads.
- Prepares a year end report for the Annual General Meeting.
- Coordinates the President’s Challenge, collects fabric donations from the current Board members and presents the same at the AGM.
- Performs other duties as required.
Completion of a term as President
The Term of office for the Past President is one year.
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Duties of the CQA/ACC Secretary
- Records and posts all Minutes, Action Items, Motions and Votes at all online or in-person Board meetings and the Annual General Meeting
- Ensures all above documentation is filed in the appropriate folder on the G:drive
- Has an active role in the Annual Quilt Canada Conference
- Is responsible for the CQA office at Quilt Canada
- Attends online and in-person Board meetings and the Quilt Canada Conference
Must be a member in good standing previous to their nomination. Excellent organizational and time management skills are essential. A working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs and email is mandatory.
The term of office of the Secretary Director is two years, unless otherwise appointed by the Board of Directors.
Duties of the CQA/ACC Treasurer
- Reviews on a monthly basis all financial statements using Not for Profit accounting standards in QuickBooks Online.
- Manages banking relationship and investments of the Association
- Prepares the annual budget in co-operation with members of the Board of Directors, Executive Director.
- Prepares income statement, balance sheet, activity report for each Board meeting and a yearly summary report for the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- Prepares special event financial reports or other financial statements, as requested by members of the Board of Directors.
- Coordinate with Bookkeeper to provide financial records to the Auditor for preparation of the annual audited financial statements.
- Presents the audited financial statements at the Annual General Meeting and provides copies to members who request one.
- Oversees the bookkeeper’s activities
- Performs other duties as required and/or requested by other Board members and Executive Director.
Must be a member in good standing previous to their nomination. Extensive knowledge of standard bookkeeping and financial practices, computer accounting programs and electronic banking practices are mandatory. Knowledge of QuickBooks Online and Microsoft Office software is essential.
Preferred candidate would hold a professional accounting designation but not necessary.
The term of office of Treasurer is for two years. At the end of the initial two-year and on approval of the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall have the option of up to an additional two years.
Rev. 08/2023
Membership Director
Duties of the CQA/ACC Membership Director
- Actively promotes the CQA/ACC with a view to constantly increasing membership as well as retaining current membership. Liaises with the Board and Executive Director on membership issues that may arise.
- Develops a membership recruitment and retention strategy based on CQA/ACC Strategic Plan. Research available information and best practices from other membership-based organizations as applicable to Non-Profit Organizations.
- Collaborates with the Executive Director, President, and other directors to resolve current member issues and concerns as they are presented.
- Monitors social media platforms for member programs that have been established to promote membership in the organization (i.e. Quilt Alongs).
- Gives suggestions to update the membership section of the website.
- Submits an activity report prior to twice-monthly Board Meetings. Submit a one-year summary report of activities prior to the AGM.
- Organizes a CQA/ACC booth for the duration of the annual Quilt Canada event, including setup and staffing as determined by the number of available volunteers.
- Collaborates with Board members and volunteers to ensure daily coverage of all areas of the Quilt Canada event.
- Participates in the general operation of the Association with the other Directors and Liaises with Regional Representatives to promote CQA/ACC membership.
- Prepares and publishes the online monthly newsletter promoting CQA/ACC membership.
- Must be a CQA/ACC member in good standing for two years previous to nomination.
- Excellent organizational, time management skills, and technical skills are essential.
- Must have a good understanding of communications with experience in digital and social media.
- Effective writing and editing skills are essential.
- Proficiency with a variety of Social Media Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter(X),Threads and Pinterest. Working knowledge of MailChimp newsletter production and distribution program. Additionally, working knowledge of photo editing and Jigsaw Planet for production of Jigsaw puzzle in Newsletter.
- Working knowledge in Microsoft Office programs (Word and Excel in particular), and email is essential.
- Experience in communications and marketing would be an asset.
- Experience working with volunteers and not-for-profits is an asset.
Term of office for Membership Director is 2 years with a 2-year renewal option.
Communications Director
Duties of the CQA/ACC Communications Director
- Work closely with the Board, Executive Director, staff team, volunteers and consultants in the planning and implementation of a communications program that meets the strategic objectives of the organization.
- Works collaboratively with the Executive Director and President, and other directors at twice monthly Board meetings, and plays a lead role in ensuring work is coordinated across all CQA/ACC communications channels.
- Oversees the creation and management of the CQA/ACC year-round communications plan, in collaboration with staff, members of the Board, contractors and volunteers.
- Chairs and reports on monthly Communication Meetings, where communications activities are discussed, developed, and assigned. Topics include the creation and management of print and digital content, analyzing engagement data, and promoting the Association and Quilt Canada. Communications channels include the print magazine, website and blog, social media, and e-newsletters.
- Keeps the Social Media Volunteer informed about Association decisions and activities that require communication on Social Media platforms.
- Acts as a resource and provides leadership on communications to meet the strategic objectives of CQA/ACC.
Must be a member in good standing prior to their nomination.
Must have a good understanding of print and digital communications/marketing and statistics, and have an interest in member engagement.
Ability to work both independently and with a team is important for this position.
Experience working with volunteers and not-for-profits is an asset.
Term of office for the communications Director is 2 years with a 2-year renewal option.
Rev. 01/2024
Director at Large
Duties of Director at Large
- Reports to the President
- Participates in the general operation of the Association with the other Directors
- Participates in policy and protocol discussions/decisions related to day-to-day operations of the Association and yearly conferences.
- Facilitates regular reviews and evaluations of various facets of CQA/ACC to ensure the continued success of the organization.
- Liaises with other Directors and the President to ensure the smooth function and promotion of the Association
- Supports and participates in special events and activities organized by the Board of Directors and its sub-committees.
- Attends and prepares a report of activities for each of the all board meetings.
- Prepares an annual summary report for the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- Performs any other duties as required and/or requested by the President.
Candidate must be a member in good standing prior to their nomination. Ability to work both as a member of a team and independently with excellent communication skills and expertise in written language. A working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs, email communication and social media is mandatory.
The term of office for the Director at Large is two years.
Youth Program Director
Duties of the CQA/ACC Youth Program Director
- Develop and implement youth programs.
- Work with the magazine editor to develop youth-oriented content for Canadian Quilter magazine, website, and blogpost.
- Working with the CQA/ACC Board of Directors develop a theme and guidelines for the annual CQA/ACC Youth Challenge.
- Enlist the support of the Board of Directors and Regional Representatives expand the number of entries in the Youth Challenge.
- Working with the Executive Director develops and maintain an archive of youth programs and related G-drive.
- Research and develop a youth membership category.
- Develop youth-oriented classes at Quilt Canada conferences.
- Work towards a social media program geared toward youth
- Network and develop youth quilting activities with other national youth organization, i.e. 4-H, Girl Guides of Canada
- Attends and leads discussions on youth related items at all online and in-person Board of Directors’ meetings.
Be a member in good standing prior to their nomination.
Must have the following:
A good understanding of the CQA/ACC goals related to engaging and developing young quilters.
Knowledge of and ability to communicate using social media platforms
Effective writing and editing skills
Ability to work independently and in a team.
Term of office for the Youth Program Director is two years with an option of a two year renewal.
Regional Representatives
Duties of the CQA/ACC Regional Representatives
- Serves as liaison between the CQA/ACC members in their province or territory, quilting groups or educational groups and quilt shops, and the Board of Directors, working under the direction of the CQA/ACC Executive Director.
- Promotes CQA/ACC and Quilt Canada and encourages membership in the association, dispenses CQA/ACC literature to guilds and shops in their area and sends updated information to as many guilds as possible for inclusion in guild newsletters or on guild websites/blogs.
- Updates the list of member and non-member guilds and shops in their province or territory twice a year (September and March). Forwards this information to the CQA/ACC Executive Director by September 30 and March 31.
- Encourages CQA/ACC member guilds to: submit reports of current activities, shows, community outreach, etc. that will be published on the CQA/ACC website; apply for a CQA/ACC rosette for presentation as “Best of Show” or “Viewer’s Choice” at the guild’s show. Directions/reminders for doing this will be provided annually by the CQA/ACC Executive Director.
- Touches base with member guilds and shops, via electronic communications if possible, on a frequent basis.
- When requesting compensation for mileage reimbursement must have prior approval by CQA/ACC Executive Director. Submits a proposal to the CQA/ACC Executive Director which should include the following information: dates of travel/trip; guilds and/or shops to be visited and their location; purpose of visit (lecture/presentation on CQA/ACC, trunk show, workshop, etc.); any compensation by guild or shop (i.e. are they cost sharing the visit?); and approximate mileage to be covered by the request.
- Responds to communications from Board Members, guilds and shops in a timely manner. Shares suggestions for advertising/promotional opportunities in their area with the CQA/ACC Executive Director to receive approval before proceeding.
- Reports, twice a year by email, on activities undertaken on behalf of the CQA/ACC. Submits the reports to the CQA/ACC Executive Director on January 15th and June 15th.
- Works with the Past President when asked to recruit members to serve on the Board of Directors or as Regional Representatives.
- Forwards inventory, files and other related materials to the incoming Regional Representatives within one month of the new representative’s appointment by the Board of Directors
- Be a member in good standing for two years prior to their nomination.
- Good public speaking and public relations skills.
- Good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and email programs.
The term of a Regional Representative is two years following appointment by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may extend this term.
Duties of the CQA/ACC Official English/French Translator
- Translate several articles for each of the four issues of The Canadian Quilter including the President’s Message and the Notice Board.
- Translate other documents for the Association, as required by the President.
- Reports to the Director at Large.
Member in good standing for 2 years prior to appointment. Working knowledge of Microsoft Word and email is essential.
Fluency in spoken and written English and French.
This volunteer position is made by appointment of the CQA/ACC Board of Directors, and is a two-year position that may be extended by the Board of Directors.