FQ Lotto Winners, Round Five
Congratulations to our fifth group of Fat Quarter Lottery winners!
Thunder Bay Quilters Guild – First Guild Meeting of the Year
The first guild meeting of the year was held virtually on Sept. 20,2021. We meet monthly from Sept. to June, with a break in July and August. The hope was that we would be able to hold our meetings in person this year, but because of protocols for Covid-19, and...

Canadian Quilter goes digital!
Starting October 4, 2021, CQA/ACC members can enjoy Canadian Quilter online!

She Stitched the Stars
She Stitched the Stars is a brand new childrens’ book about the making of Ellen Harding Barker’s Solar System Quilt.

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
CQA/ACC’s statement on September, 30, 2021, regarding the first National Day of Truth & Reconciliation.
Rayside-Balfour Quilting and Stitchery Guild
The Rayside-Balfour Quilting and Stitchery Guild is looking forward to starting a new season.
Battle River Quilters’ Guild – Members of our Guild continue to express their creativity in a multitude of ways
Though we’ve been living with restrictive measures set by Health Care officials, many creative ways to meet and play have been experienced. One saving grace has been our ability to participate via Zoom for general meetings as well as our Sew Days; we even had an...

Are you ready for some modern curves?
CQA/ACC is starting a new Mystery Quilt project! The fun begins on September 6, 2021, with a list of fabric requirements and colour suggestions.

FQ Lotto Winners, Round Four
Congratulations to our fourth group of Fat Quarter Lottery winners!
York Heritage Quilters Guild – Flags of Hope Project
Flags of Hope Project In 2017, Irene Paterson lost her only son, Roger Wong, to fentanyl poisoning. Roger had been in recovery for six months, and then a very close friend of his died. Roger couldn’t get over it - he relapsed once and it killed him. Last year alone,...

Making a Simple Design Wall
With a few very good supplies, we were able to create a terrific 6′ x 6′ foam-board wall in my sewing room!
Thunder Bay Quilters Guild – Quilting is thriving in Thunder Bay, and across Canada!
The Thunder Bay Quilters Guild held their June meeting over zoom. The next meeting will be in September, hopefully in person, but if not, then by zoom. Our guest speaker was Rose Parr, who did a presentation on ergonomics in your sewing space. She imparted lots of...