by Ana Dailey | Mar 11, 2022 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
We are enjoying time with members of our Quilt Guild working on the in-club quilt and workshops. There is always something new to learn.
by Ana Dailey | Feb 24, 2022 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
Trying to stay connected and furthering our quilting journey our tech and program people sated our appetites with a combination, hybrid and virtual meetings and lectures. We continued to make our block of the month with Shirley making pieced blocks. Currently making...
by Ana Dailey | Feb 23, 2022 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
With great reluctance, the CAQG Quilt Show Committee has cancelled all plans to host the CAQG Annual Quilt Show in May, 2022. Unfortunately, the minimum number of vendor registrations were not received by the due date. Feedback confirmed that this was largely due to...
by Ana Dailey | Feb 16, 2022 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
We are glad to be back with out quilting friends working on block of the month lottery and cuddle quilts. Danielle organized a silent auction to raise money for the Infant Food Bank.
by Ana Dailey | Jan 27, 2022 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
Our small guild of 45 members in the big city of Toronto continues to meet on Zoom monthly for speakers and learning, fellowship, and show & share. Most of our meetings begin with a speaker who has been booked far in advance by our program chairperson. By design,...