by Ana Dailey | Jun 11, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
The pandemic has kept our guild shut down since February 2020. As an executive, we have met once in person (socially distanced) and once via Zoom. In March 2021 we started a monthly Zoom Show and Share with our members and it became apparent our members were craving...
by Ana Dailey | May 28, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
Most of our members look forward to a new quilt challenge each year. Traditionally, there are specific guidelines to adhere to (such as size restrictions, required colours and themes). For the 2020 – 2021 guild year, the challenge was titled “Log Cabin Fever”, which...
by Ana Dailey | Apr 30, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
With the CoVid-19 virus and its variants of concern continuing to hold us in its grip, the Quilt Show Committee made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 event. We look forward to a spectacular showing of wonderfully created quilts for the 2023 show. Monthly Zoom...
by Ana Dailey | Apr 14, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
The Crocus Quilters Guild held a pop-up outdoor quilt show in September 2020. Due to the complications of COVID at the time we had to cancel the show we had planned. Following the COVID protocols at the time we each gathered a few of our quilts and the equipment to...
by Ana Dailey | Apr 9, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
Due to the pandemic our last regular ‘in person’ Guild meeting was held on March 11th, 2020. The Executive offered regular ‘Block of the Month’ patterns in April and May to our 55 members as a way to keep us somewhat connected during this...