Traditional - Wall And Bed Quilt Quilts

Parliamentary Album Quilt
Joan Dorsay
TR 1713

For Such a Time as This
Kathy Wylie
TR 1721

Restoring Mother's Handiwork
Elfrieda Snow
TR 1784

Swallow Medallion
Berene Campbell
TR 1801

Castle Lilies
Carla Alexiuk, Daintry Chitaroni, Kelly Schroeder
TR 1853

Black Pearl
Natasha de Souza Bugarin, Aline Stefane de Souza Bugarin
TR 1897

Underwater World
Anne Morrell Robinson
TR 1908

"To the Nines"
Diane Carson, Anne Beaudoin
TR 1968

Medley Medallion
Catherine Victor
TR 1993

Changing Directions
Tannis Fahlman
TR 2071

Graceful Koi
Rose Parr
TR 2105

It Glows
Nicole Hannah
TR 2129