photo of quilt judging tools

The QJCP Goes Digital



March 1, 2021


Have you ever considered becoming a certified quilt judge? If you feel the call, we have great news! The CQA/ACC offers a path to certification through their Quilt Judge Certification Program (QJCP) and it is currently being revised so that it can be delivered online.

We’ve established an electronic application form that requests basic information about you, your experience with helping on a judging floor and what roles you filled as well as your teaching experience, quilting organizations to which you belong, related volunteer experience, where your quilts have been exhibited, if you’ve had work published, how you keep up to date on new techniques and ideas, and more! We want to know ALL about your quilting life to see if you’re ready to enter the program!

If you apply, additional photos and documents will be requested once your form has been received by the program facilitators, and a virtual interview will be arranged. After a review of your completed application and interview, the QJCP facilitators will let you know if you’ve been accepted into the program.

The program will consist of four parts: Independent Research and Study, a four-day Judging Course (which will be delivered virtually/electronically at this time), the Apprentice Phase, and the Final Exam.

If you’re ready – and armed with a thirst for learning, a drive for excellence and a kind, professional attitude – becoming a certified quilt judge could be your next BEST challenge. Detailed program information, including a link to the electronic application form, can be found on the CQA/ACC website.

If you have any questions with regards to the CQA/ACC Quilt Judge Certification Program (QJCP) please email Elizabeth Spannring and Carole Gold at

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario