Frequently Asked Questions


Location, Dates and Hours of the Show?

Venue – Halifax Convention Centre,  1650 Argyle St,  Halifax, NS B3J 0E6

Halifax Convention Centre – Phone 902-421-1302 or visit Halifax Convention Centre


DATES:  June 7-10, 2023 (Show Hall is open June 8 to 10, 2023)

Wednesday – Closed for set up
Thursday and Friday – 9:30am to 6pm
Saturday – 9:30am to 4pm


Wrist Band Pickup

Please report to the Registration Room 201 at your earliest convenience during Registration Room Hours to pick up wrist bands for Convention Entry, 3 Day Entry Wrist Bands, All Access Daytime Lecture Wrist Band. The only entrance used for these will be the wrist bands. We will distribute all of your wrist bands in one visit.


Hours of the Registration Desk (Atlantic Time)


10:30 am to 7 pm


7:45am to 7:30pm


7:45am to 7:30pm


8am to noon


Groups of 30 or more

There is discounted pricing for Groups of 30 or more

When a group of 30 or more tickets are purchased at the same time and distributed by the group, the price is $21.00 + tax for each Single Day Entry Pass.  Note: For multiple day Tour Groups, where some people could register for workshops, a Complimentary Convention Entry may be included with their workshop registration.  The Group need not arrive in a bus.  Due to price adjustments the Passes need to be purchased through the Registrar.

Please Register your Group

As soon as you know there is a chance of having a group, please register it with the Registrar, there is always special information coming out for you. The Registrar will send out the information as it is available.

Janet Kasper, Registrar Quilt Canada 2023 –

1-877-672-8777 ext. 2 (Ontario)

Name Tags

Quilt Canada 2023 will not be providing preprinted name tags. Workshop participants are encouraged to provide their own name tags for their workshops.

Confirmation Emails

Two Confirmation Emails will be sent to everyone.    To ensure receipt of these information emails, please add the following email to your address book:


FIRST CONFIRMATION EMAIL:  When you first register you will receive within about 15 minutes – 2 emails.  One will be a receipt for the payment.  The second one (Confirmation Email) will list what you have registered for and give a few instructions.  It is very important at that time that you review the items listed as “Registered for” and make sure that list is correct.  Any issues – you have 48 hours to notify the Registrar of the need for a correction.  After this time – the Change Fee could apply.

SECOND CONFIRMATION EMAIL:  A second Confirmation Email will be sent to you about May 31st .  It will have an up-to-date list of your registrations as well as last minute instructions regarding the Convention.

This second Confirmation Email needs to be printed and taken to the show to allow admittance to your workshops and lectures and to pick up your Wrist Bands.

Supply Lists – anything special that I need to know?
  • Check your workshop supply list and Kit Fee information both when you register and just before you come to attend the Conference. These links can be found under the link on the Workshop write up on the website click here for Write ups and Supply Lists
  • Kit fees will be collected at your class by your Classroom Asistant. Exact change would be greatly appreciated.
  • Name Tags are not being provided this year
  • Please bring the Supply List with you to class.
  • NOTE: Personal sewing machines will not be allowed in the classrooms. Machines (where needed) are supplied by our generous sponsors.
Cancellation/Change Policies?

To be considered for these policies you must contact the Registrar:

Janet Kasper, Registrar 2023   email: or

Phone: 1-877-672-8777 ext 2 (Ontario)


Registration Cancellation Policy
•       Cancellation up to April 7, 2023- 50% Refund
•       Cancellation April 8 to May 7, 2023- 25% Refund
•       Cancellation after May 7, 2023 – No Refund

No refunds on Entry Passes and Commemorative Pins

You will be assessed a $20.00 processing fee for each cancellation or change you make after you’ve registered. This does not apply to additions.

Can’t attend? And worse … It is past the refund date!

Yes, please contact the Registrar if you will not be able to attend, it is possible that we could have a waiting list and if so and if both parties agree, you might be able to arrange to sell your seat in a workshop.

This would strictly be a transaction between the two attendees.  The Registrar will not participate other then to get permission of both parties to connect. We need as much advance notice as possible for this to be successful.

When can I Register?

Dates this year


Tuesday, February 14, noon ET until

Tuesday, February 28, 5pm ET

Discounted Workshop Member Registration

Wednesday, March 1, noon ET until

Saturday, June 3, noon ET

General Public Registration (including members without discount)
Saturday, June 3, noon ET Workshop Registration will close
Monday, June 5, Time TBA Closing of Advanced sales of Entry Passes, NJS Tours and Lectures
Who is considered a “member” for the purposes of Member Workshop Discounts?

Early workshop registration at a discounted rate is included in the following memberships:

  • Individual,
  • Professional
  • the Shop Membership (only one person per membership).

Additional Shop Memberships participants and Guild Memberships must wait until the March 1st opening at noon ET.

–The Discount Period is – FEBRUARY 14, 2023 NOON ET until FEBRUARY 28, 2023 – 5PM ET only —

Membership number needed?

No, although you must indicate Member or non-member on the form in order to submit the form and, during the discounted period all registrations are checked against the current Membership List.  During this time prices shown on the Registration Form are discounted.

I want to purchase a Commemorative Event Pin – where do I purchase it and how do I pick it up at the show?

You can purchase your pin on the registration form – price $8.00 each plus tax. Quantities are limited and it is not guaranteed that they will be for sale at the event in Halifax. Pins ordered on the registration form may be picked up in the Registration Room 201 (or with your wrist bands) signage in the Lobby of the Halifax Convention Centre. See the “Week at a Glance Schedule” for the Registration Room Hours of Operation.

When is the Registration Room 201 open for pick up of wrist band and Commemorative Pins


WEDNESDAY – 10:30 to 7pm FRIDAY – 7:45am to 7:30pm
THURSDAY – 7:45 am to 7:30pm SATURDAY – 8am to noon


Convention Entry Passes will be Wrist Bands this year!

This year – all Convention Entry Passes (Complimentary and purchased separately) will be wrist bands.  These will be picked up at the Registration Desk (signage in the Argyle St. Lobby) prior to attending any part of the Convention.

Further details about Entry Passes can be found at:  Click here

Entry Pass Pricing
Single Day Entry Wrist Band $25.00 + tax On-line in advance
Single Day Entry Wrist Band $30.00 including tax At the Door
Three Day Entry Wrist Band $65.00 + tax On-line in advance
Three Day Entry Wrist Band N/A At the Door
Groups of 30 + Single Day Entry Wrist Band $21.00 + tax Contact the Registrar
Ages 13 to 19 Single Day Entry Wrist Band $20.00 including tax At the Door only
Ages 5-12 Single Day Entry Wrist Band $5.00 including tax At the Door only
Ages 4 and under Free At the Door only

Discount available for Groups of 30 or more.  Contact the Registrar, Janet Kasper.

email to

I want to attend the Quilt Canada Opening and Awards Ceremony. Is there a cost and how do I get a ticket?

We ask that you indicate that you plan to attend on the Registration Form so we can have some idea of how many chairs are needed.  Thank you.  It is being held at 7pm on Wednesday June 7 in the Lecture Hall and it is free.

All Access Daytime Lecture Wrist Band

This is a pass that will give you a wrist band that will admit you into every Daytime Lecture being offered at the Convention Centre (does not include Museum programs). There is no need to choose your preferred lectures as this essentially does it for you and it is all 10 lectures. This single price of $125 + tax saves you $25.00 overall. In addition to this Pass you will need to purchase an Entry Wrist Band for each day of the Conference to gain access to the Lecture Hall.

The system does not seem to be accepting my payment. What types of payment can I use?

Our system accepts Visa and Mastercard only.  It will not accept debit in any form (not the combined “Credit/debit” Card).  If you need another form of payment –   please contact the Registrar for instructions.  Your form will be in our system marked unpaid at this point, no need to re-enter the form.

Janet Kasper, Registrar Quilt Canada 2023

or 1-877-672-8777 ext. 2 (Ontario)

Workshops and Lectures Section

The Class Limits Counters are accurate.  During the Member Discount period, all prices shown on the form are the discounted price.

Workshops and their Complimentary Entry Wrist Band to the Conference

These complimentary Conference Entry Wrist Bands (for the day of the workshop only) will be included with the purchase of a workshop (either half day or full day).    These can only be used by the person registered in the workshop and only on the day of the workshop. Two half day workshops will only provide 1 Conference Wrist Band.

Complimentary Conference Entry wrist bands can be picked up in the Registration Desk.  You will need this wrist band to access the classroom area.  All wrist bands that have been pre-ordered will be distributed in one visit.

Schedule Conflicts

Please be aware of conflicts in your schedule – conflicts are your responsibility and although these can be adjusted – free within 48 hours of registering – there will be a “Change Charge” if after the 48 hours.

As you work through this section of the form, workshop sections that are conflicts will close as you progress.  This is not the case with other areas of the form.

If you need to change something while filling the form out.  Please re-open the drop-down menu and move the curser to the blank area at the top in order to remove an item.

Supply Lists can be found with the writeup description of the workshop under the Supply List Button in each writeup.

Wait Lists for Workshops?

Wait Lists will not open until the workshop is full.  If the workshop that you want is FULL, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you contact the Registrar, Janet Kasper ( and put your name on a Wait List for it.   Persons from Wait Lists will be admitted before any others are considered should space become available.

At times, it could be possible to move you from your second-choice workshop to that which is your first choice, if your name is on the Wait List.

To get on a wait list contact the

Janet Kasper, Registrar – Quilt Canada 2023, or 1-877-672-8777, ext. 2 (Ontario)


All Daytime Lectures will require a Conference Entry Wrist Band to gain access to the Lecture Hall.  This is not included in the price of the lecture.

You will have a choice in each Lecture Section on the form to take one or both Lectures in that half of the day.

See above for All Access Daytime Lecture Pass details.

Evening Lectures

We have two great keynote speakers this year – Carolyn Friedlander and Gloria Loughman.  Listening to these great speakers is a really good way to wind down after a long day.  The cost of these inspiring lectures is $40.00 and they begin at 7:30pm on both Thursday and Friday evenings.  There is an option to sign up for one or both Evening Lectures.  There is a $10 discount if you sign up for both.  Two for $70.00 + tax.

NJS Tours (National Juried Show)

Each Tour is $25.00 – it is a great way to learn new trends and techniques.  You can purchase them on the form as well as in person at the Registration Desk at the show.  (ONLY IF there is space left by showtime).  A Conference Entry is needed to attend the tour and unless you already have one you will need to purchase this as well.

A tour lasts approx. 45 minutes and it will be led by Board Members or Qualified Quilt Judges.  Each Leader will have a different Tour and this is not posted in advance.

Although you can definitely tour the NJS on your own, this tour will give you a leg up in information – including such things as meeting some of the designers, special tips on what is being looked for in entries to the NJS.

The 12:30pm tour is often on the lunch hour of the workshops – but it is best to check this out with your teacher.

The NJS display is always open when the Show Hall is open – you can also wander the NJS by yourself.

Press Submit

Once you complete the contact information, please take one last look at the form.  Be sure that you have indicated whether you are a member or not at the top of the form.  Then press SUBMIT.  This will put your registration into the system and a payment screen will pop up.

Payment Screen

Please check the box at the top and enter either a Visa or Master Card (“Debit/Credit” Cards are not accepted by our cash handling system).   Once submitted you will receive 2 emails – one is your receipt and the other is your confirmation email.  It is possible that due to the speed that these two are sent that one could go into your spam or junk mail.  Please check these if you are only seeing one email.  If the emails do not arrive within 15 minutes please let the Registrar know.

Should there be any issue in processing your card you will receive an email about 30 minutes after submitting, inviting you to contact the Registrar for other ways to pay.  Be aware that your seat is reserved for you during this time.  If you need your unpaid registration cancelled, please contact the Registrar.

Trouble Shooting
The form will not submit for me – what could be wrong?

Check that you clicked a box under the REGISTRATION/MEMBERSHIP STATUS.  The next most common thing is that something is missing in your contact information.  Scroll back up your form and look for some red print on it.  That will tell you what is missing.

I have received a message saying that I have already submitted a form but I haven’t?

If you have at some point started to fill out the form and did not finish and submit it, often this message will come up.  You can enter through this pop up – it is cautionary.

Should you have a doubt in your mind about what might be in our system for you, please contact the Registrar.

Janet Kasper, Registrar Quilt Canada 2023 –

1-877-672-8777 ext. 2 (Ontario)

Adding to your previous order?

Please contact the Registrar to do the add to your existing form.

Janet Kasper (Ontario), 1-877-672-8777 (ext. 2) or )

Cancellation/Change Policies?

To be considered for these policies you must contact the Registrar as quickly as possible:

Janet Kasper, Registrar 2023   email: or

Phone: 1-877-672-8777 ext. 2 (Ontario)



Registration Cancellation Policy
•       Cancellation up to April 7, 2023- 50% Refund
•       Cancellation April 8 to May 7, 2023- 25% Refund
•       Cancellation after May 7, 2023 – No RefundNo refunds on Entry Passes and Commemorative Pins


Registration Changes (Additions are free)

You will be assessed a $20.00 processing fee for each cancellation or change you make after you’ve registered. This does not apply to additions.

Oxford Quilters Guild