FQ Lotto Winners, Round Two
Congratulations to our second group of Fat Quarter Lottery winners: Grace F (BC), Colleen N (AB), Fay B (UK) and Anne W (BC). Each received a lovely bundle of 11 red fat quarters to add to their stash! The lottery is part of this year's 40th Anniversary celebrations....

Enter the Masked Presidents Contest
If you’ve been staying at home watching TV during the pandemic you've no doubt heard of the Masked Singer and the Masked Dancer. As part of our 40th Anniversary celebrations we are encouraging members to get in on the fun with CQA/ACC's The Masked Presidents contest....
Saskatoon Quilters Guild – Cancellation and Adjustments While CoVid-19 Continues to Hold Us In Its Grip
With the CoVid-19 virus and its variants of concern continuing to hold us in its grip, the Quilt Show Committee made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 event. We look forward to a spectacular showing of wonderfully created quilts for the 2023 show. Monthly Zoom...

Join Our Mostly Modern Virtual Trunk Show
Linda Schmidt loves quilting! She has been quilting for 22 years and has completed well over 300 quilts. She leans towards the modern esthetic while occasionally returning to her traditional roots. In 2007, she purchased a longarm machine to finish her own pieces and...

A Celebration of Quilting in Canada Registration Is Open!
The excitement of A Celebration of Quilting in Canada is mounting and registration for our first ever virtual Quilt Canada is now open! Things kick off the evening of Wednesday, June 16, with a welcome and the National Juried Show Awards Ceremony. Then, from June...
Crocus Quilters Guild – Pop-Up Outdoor Quilt Show
The Crocus Quilters Guild held a pop-up outdoor quilt show in September 2020. Due to the complications of COVID at the time we had to cancel the show we had planned. Following the COVID protocols at the time we each gathered a few of our quilts and the equipment to...

Row of the Month Quilt Along: Row 8, Appliqué Vine
Welcome back! This is the eighth and final row of our Row of the Month quilt along. We've been sewing along together since September and next month you will assemble your beautiful quilt. But first things first, we still need to make one more row! In this row, a vine...

Non-Member Tickets for Kate Ward Lecture Now Available
Tickets for Kate Ward's online webinar on Saturday, April 17, 2021 are now available to non-members. Join her to learn several fun and easy ways to create fabrics at home using your stash. Solar dying, mark making with rust and how to print patterns using objects...
Next Stop Englehart Quilters Guild – Keeping Busy During Covid Times
Due to the pandemic our last regular 'in person' Guild meeting was held on March 11th, 2020. The Executive offered regular 'Block of the Month' patterns in April and May to our 55 members as a way to keep us somewhat connected during this new-to-us Covid-19 Pandemic...
Sunshine Coast Quilters’ Guild – 40 Quilts Donated
In *“The Beachcombers” town of Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast of B.C., a new affordable housing project has just been completed to help people at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness. The Comfort Society (which is a committee within the Sunshine Coast Quilters’...

Our First FQ Lotto Winners!
Congratulations to our first five Fat Quarter Lottery winners: Barbara W (AB), Marnie McD (ON), Thora F (AB), Ann F (ON) and Venessa K (AB)! Each received a lovely bundle of 10 red fat quarters to add to their stash! The lottery is part of this year's 40th Anniversary...
Annapolis Valley Quilt Guild – Celebrating 20 Years
Here in The Valley as it is known, is a small quilting group (31 members) named Annapolis Valley Quilt Guild. The Valley is the lovely area of Southwest Nova Scotia made up of small towns and villages along the Bay of Fundy. Our group is celebrating our...