WEBINAR: SEPTEMBER 13, 2024 at 7 pm ET Brett Lewis, aka Natural Born Quilter, will be presenting his favourite quilts, talking about his quilting journey and inspiration for his fabric collections. Tickets available now for both members ($10) and non-members ($15).
Brett Lewis learned to sew and discovered quilting only seven years ago. Since 2016 he has made more than 60 quilts, designed four fabric collections for Northcott Fabrics, become a Sew Kind of Wonderful instructor and a BERNINA Canada ambassador, and been featured in magazines and podcasts. He has also developed quilt patterns using EQ8 and teaches classes on them.
Where does this Natural Born Quilter find the time to sew when he also works full time as an inspector for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, has a nine-year-old son (who is learning to sew!), chickens, and a passion for photography, cooking, and urban agriculture?

He says the experience so far has been surreal. “I took my first sewing class in 2016, launched my first fabric collection with Northcott Fabrics at Fall International Quilt Market in 2019, became a BERNINA Canada Ambassador in 2022, and just began working on my fifth fabric collection!”
“I definitely feel like I dove head first into the world of quilting, and it has become a second full time job. It has been very rewarding, sometimes exhausting, but overall a dream come true.”

Brett’s designs are bold, colourful, and often geometric. “I consider my design aesthetic ‘contemporary traditional,’ and each collection showcases my love for nature’s plants and animals.”
This is also evident in his fabric designs. “I absolutely love bold colours evocative of the wide array of colours in nature. Each collection I design is themed around something meaningful to me, telling a story or paying homage to a special event of time in my life. I use my quilty brain when coming up with a design concept, knowing I need a feature bold print, low volume blender, and various designs that round out each collection.”

Brett’s presentation, Becoming Natural Born Quilter: My Journey in the World of Quilting, will be hosted by CQA/ACC on Zoom at 7 pm ET on Wednesday, September 13, 2023.
He will be talking about his eventful journey in quilting so far, the Natural Born Quilter brand, and how nature inspires his fabric collections. And, of course, you will get to see many of his favourite quilts!
Tickets are available now for both members ($10) and non-members ($15).
Brett will be teaching workshops at Quilt Canada 2024 in Edmonton, AB, June 20-22, 2024. Watch for details in the coming weeks.