by Ana Dailey | Mar 25, 2020 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
As I write this report, the world is hunkering down in an attempt to get control of CoVid-19. Part of a recent message from Saskatoon Quilters Guild president, Kathy Reid, follows: “We are living in interesting times as we work to find a safe pathway through...
by Ana Dailey | Mar 19, 2020 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
In 2019 the Maritime Modern Quilt Guild turned six. Christine McDowell was our president. Due to increasing membership we moved to a larger space to hold our monthly meetings with our beloved show and share. We continued to hold monthly sew-ins as well. During the...
by Ana Dailey | Mar 19, 2020 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
The Rayside Balfour Quilting and Stitchery Guild is postponing the Quilted Treasures show to September 19 and 20, 2020.
by Ana Dailey | Mar 10, 2020 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
The Rayside-Balfour Quilting and Stitchery Guild has been hard at work planning our Quilted Treasures quilt and stitchery show. All are welcome to attend. submitted by Marietta Kenwell .
by Ana Dailey | Mar 2, 2020 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
Every month, our guild has a special workshop so we can learn new skills and techniques. This year, we learned how to use “Zentangle” in our quilting, made a “cardinal” wallhanging, had a “mini” binding class, and in February had a...