photo of Four Eyes quilt by Anne Rayner-Gould

Two New Virtual Concurrent Shows



November 3, 2020


Take a little time to explore two wonderful exhibits of Canadian talent in our Canadian Quilt Gallery – Concurrent Shows that were originally to be displayed at Quilt Canada 2020. They will be up on the website for the month of November.

  • You Could be Quoting Shakespeare is brought to you by Spectra. This is a new group (2017) who have studied, and are committed to, the exploration and presentation of textiles as art. Many of the popular phrases and sayings in common use today originated in Shakespeare’s plays and poetry and are reflected in these pieces in ways that we expect will intrigue and delight you.
  • 20/20 Vision was created to celebrate FAN’s 20th anniversary and explores how we see. Everyone sees and works differently. By definition, 20/20 vision is perfect, but what is perfect? Two people will describe the same event differently, and foresight can be anybody’s guess. Members were invited to interpret 20/20 vision literally or figuratively. The Fibre Art Network (FAN) is a co-operative of Western Canadian artists committed to promoting fibre as an art form and each other as artists.

Here is a sneak preview:

photo of To Bee of Not to Bee art quilt

To Bee or Not to Bee by Sharon Boucher

Statement: “I reacted to a bee sting now need to carry an epi-pen. Thus, “to bee, or not to bee: that is the question.” The original quotation is from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. This work shows a queen and three worker bees on a deaths-head honeycomb, with beads in epi-pen colours.

photo of 20/10, 20/20, 20/30 Vision art quilt

20/10, 20/20, 20/30 Vision by Thelma Newbury

Statement: On the Snellen eye chart, 20/20 vision is referred to as the standard. It is represented here by the mauve branch. The white branch represents 20/10 (the best eye sight). The blue branch represents person with poor eye sight, or 20/30 vision.

The quilt in the heading is Four Eyes by Anne Rayner-Gould.
Statement: Four Eyes is a variation on the ancient four-patch quilting design that incorporates another ancient design, the God’s Eye. Only a divine being could have 20/20 vision in the widest sense of the term, an ability to see all things and perceive how all things are connected.

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario