Since the world hit the pause button in March, we have been thankful for the wonderful Saskatoon Quilters Guild executive team which has been working hard to determine the best way to proceed in a new and safe way. Currently virtual guild gatherings have been planned...
The West End Quilters are not letting Covid-19 slow them down. When meetings were cancelled in the middle of March people kept quilting and sending pictures back and forth to each other. We resumed outdoor in-person meetings in August in the garden of a member’s...
As Remembrance Day approaches, our thoughts turn to those in our military who bravely put their lives on the line for the freedoms we cherish. Quilts of Valour – Canada Society (QOVC) supports injured service personnel with quilts of comfort. Their goal is to...
The 2020 TrendTex Challenge online auction begins today and runs through to 5 pm EDT on October 25, 2020. Gay Walker’s charming Buzz-Words for the 2020s!, shown above, was inspired by the upbeat words on one of the challenge fabrics. It is one of 76 beauties up...
Welcome to the second part of our Row of the Month quilt along. This month we’re making Hexie Flowers to go along with the Friendship Stars that you made last month. English paper pieced (EPP) hexagons are a favourite of Irene Philp’s, the designer of our...