Battle River Quilters’ Guild – What an unusual spring and summer!

Carole-May Coty
September 16, 2020

What an unusual spring and summer! We couldn’t have dreamed the changes that have been necessary because of Covid-19. However, quilters are a hardy lot. We make adjustments and continue to create. Many BRQG members sewed hundreds of masks, scrub bags, and scrub hats, donating their time, talents, and materials to assist EMS workers and other front-line workers. Also, members have been busily working on charity quilts at home as well as other beautiful and interesting projects and no doubt finishing some of those UFOs that most of us have tucked away.

Our bi-annual quilt show that was scheduled to take place in June, 2020 has been postponed. The new date for our ‘Treasures’ show is June 25 & 26, 2021, God willing the show will be even better for the postponement. Though our show did not take place in 2020, we did however have the draw for our beautiful raffle quilt. A cheque for a large portion of the raffle ticket sales, $1494, was presented to the Camrose Women’s Shelter to assist with their ever growing needs

Meeting as a guild has been almost non existent, though we’ve had executive meetings to ensure things are staying on track. As well, an outdoor gathering was held for members to provide much needed social interaction and experience a great ‘show and tell’.

Our guild of 40-plus is a source of friendship and joy for its members. Good news: we have found a way to have a meeting in a larger facility which allows accommodating physical distancing and observing recommended health guidelines so that members can get back to our much-loved monthly guild meetings. Meeting in person provides important social interaction which is vital for our well-being.

I trust we are all learning a lot in these challenging times. Let’s keep the faith and stay safe!

Left to right, Donna McShane, Joanne Geertz, and Carole-May Coty presenting proceeds of quilt raffle to Camrose Women’s Shelter program coordinator, Devona Gibson.

Member Joanne Geertz presenting raffle quilt to winner Sheila Winterhalt, Camrose, AB