Save the date for the CQA/ACC TrendTex Challenge 2021 Silent Auction.
The CQA/ACC TrendTex Challenge 2021 Silent Auction will be held online September 23-26. This annual fundraiser features all of the quilts entered into the Challenge, including the award-winning quilts shown below.
Register for the auction at, preview the quilts, then get ready to bid on your favourite Friendship themed creations.

First Place award winner Even When I Push You Away You Always Come Back by Janet Reader Day; an original work from a personal photo.

Second Place award winner Friendship Blooms by Lauren MacDonald; an original design.

Third Place award winner Friendship Refreshes the Soul by Carol Darou; an original design.

Viewers Choice award winner Friendship: in a child’s eyes by Philippa Zapf; an original design.

Judge’s Choice (Kirstin Fearon ) award winner Friendship is Quilting Together by Judy Millard; an original design. The central block is a modification of a Nelson’s Victory from The Quilter’s Block Bible by Celia Eddy.

Judge’s Choice (Patricia Koziol) award winner Friendship by Ann Coyle; an original design.

Judge’s Choice (Linda Lake) award winner My Best Friend by Jane Roszell; an original design.

Judge’s Choice (Bonnie Rankin) award winner Shelter by Sandra Melnik; created from her own sketch.