Even though we cannot meet in person, we are still staying connected and very active! In January, two virtual classes with Libs Elliott were held. She also gave a talk/trunk show on the Saturday evening. It was a very successful weekend. One of our members introduced us to a special project. It is a paper pieced pattern called the Sisterhood block, by Berene Campbell of Happysewlucky. Participating members are assigned to a group of 8. Each person makes sections of the block, and then swaps them with the other members of the group. Once the sections are put together to form a block, they can be used for a bag, a pillow, or be donated to the guild to be sewn together for donation quilts. In April, we are hosting a Traditional and Curvy Workshop with Daisy Aschehoug, from Warmfolk, in Norway! The first class filled quickly, so a second class has been added. Thankfully, technology allows us to offer learning opportunities from far and wide across the globe! On National Quilting Day, March 20th, we will be joining together via zoom, to sew from home. It is an opportunity to work on donation quilts for our community. There will be demos provided during the day, and members are encouraged to display quilts outside their homes, take pictures, and email them to the secretary. Random prizes will be awarded! This is a great way to promote quilting in our area! Covid may be keeping us apart, but our enthusiasm is keeping us together.