Pieceful Night Quilters’ Guild – Join us!

Gail Lockington
January 27, 2022

Our small guild of 45 members in the big city of Toronto continues to meet on Zoom monthly for speakers and learning, fellowship, and show & share. Most of our meetings begin with a speaker who has been booked far in advance by our program chairperson. By design, we are small, but we have room for more. Join us! Here’s our website: pnqa.ca

In the past we have raised money for our speakers by participating in a bazaar in the church where we meet. During COVID we have had to improvise – we have held two driveway sales which were very successful – and which allowed us to see each other in person. Both events were held in the fall, September 2020 and September 2021. Meeting outside wearing masks was safe for us and our customers.

Community support is also a big part of our guild. Pieceful Night Quilters’ Guild supported two organizations again in 2021: Wigwamen and Meals on Wheels.

Wigwamen is a non-profit and charitable organization which is Ontario’s oldest and largest urban Aboriginal housing provider, committed to providing decent, safe and affordable housing to thousands of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal families, singles and seniors. In addition to quilts and sundry handmade items such as placemats and walker bags, our members have been very generous with personal care products and financial donations.

East York Meals on Wheels is committed to offering food and social support to enhance the wellbeing of their clients. Meals on Wheels accepted quilted placemats made by our guild members through the year. We made deliveries in June and December.

Meeting regularly and working on community projects has kept our guild strong and helped us support each other.

Guild Banner

Driveway Sale