The Tree of Life and the Four Elements, by Lise Belanger

Canadian Quilts to be displayed at New England Quilt Museum



October 14, 2022


ABOVE: The Tree of Life and the Four Elements by Lise Belanger, winner of the Award of Excellence in Machine Quilting Frameless at NJS 2022

The Best of Quilting in Canada, a selection of juried entries into the National Juried Shows at Quilt Canada 2021 (virtual) and Quilt Canada 2022 in Vancouver, BC, will be exhibited by the New England Quilt Museum (NEQM) in Lowell, Massachusetts, from January 17 to May 9, 2023.

Some of the 43 quilts, including Winter Sunset by Colette Dumont, the Best of Show quilt from NJS 2021, will be displayed in public for the first time, as Quilt Canada 2021 was held virtually.

Winter Sunset by Colette Dumont

Winter Sunset by Colette Dumont, winner of Best of Show at NJS 2021

The quilts were curated by two apprentice judges from CQA/ACC’s Quilt Judge Certification Program. The selected quilts represent a cross section of categories and techniques displayed at the CQA/ACC’s annual National Juried Shows, and many are award-winning quilts.

The exhibit will provide viewers with a current overview of quilting in Canada. As well, on May 6, 2023, CQA/ACC President Irene Lafleche will be at the museum to present a talk entitled Spotlight on Canadian Quilters. This in-person presentation will highlight several of the quilt makers whose works are in the exhibit, including stories about their quilting journeys and other quilts that they have created.

The NEQM is not only looking forward to providing American quilters with insight into the quilting world of their northern neighbours, but also to welcoming many Canadian visitors to the exhibit. The museum is located just north of Boston, in Lowell, Massachusetts, which is within driving distance of much of eastern Canada.

Watch the NEQM website in the next few months for details.

Little Spirits by Laura Gates, Joanne Davenport, and Cindy Jensen Fisk

Little Spirits by Laura Gates, Joanne Davenport and Cindy Jensen Fisk, entered in the Modern Wall and Bed Quilts category at NJS 2022

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario