Millbrook Neeedlers present Piecing Lives Together Friday May 9th ( 10am-6pm ) and Saturday May 10 (10 am-4pm) Located in the brand new CMCC Cavan Monaghan Community Centre 986 Peterborough County Rd 10, Millbrook South of Peterborough, east of Hwy 115 and west of the charming historic town of Millbrook, ON View over 100 quilts, plus quilts from our featured member quilter Shirley Challice. Community Care raffle, block of the month quilts and a unique antique quilt bed turning each day. Shop at our vendor market and member’s boutique. Bring your scissors to our professional scissor and tool sharper onsite. A scrumptious tea room with sandwiches, sweets and beverages. Admission is $10 and plenty of free parking. Millbrookneedlers@