CQA/ACC Mystery Quilt 2022-2023

Mystery Quilt 2023: Block 1

Lillian Perivolaris
October 19, 2022

If you have all your fabric ready, you’re all set to start The $3.31 Quilt.

The first installment is the Beaver Block. We can’t wait to see what you do with it!

Be sure to share photos of your work in progress with the Mystery Quilt 2022-23 Facebook Group! You can also post on Instagram by tagging @canadian_quilters and @arteastquiltingco, and by using the hashtags #cqamysteryquilt or #331quilt.

The $3.31 Quilt is designed by John MacPhail at Art East Quilting Co, so you know you’re in for some fun!

Here are some links to the installments posted so far:
Fabric Requirements
Block 1: The Beaver

Questions? Please email Membership Director, Lillian Perivolaris (membership@canadianquilter.com).

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Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

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