Meet the workshop instructors, lecturers, and keynote speakers at Quilt Canada 2025 in Toronto in time to sign up for classes starting February 25 for CQA/ACC members.
Learn about the three quilt makers who selected the final 12 blocks for the True Colours Quilt Along and see why they felt it was important to be so supportive and involved.
Try out four patterns and projects, from designing blocks online with mySewnet™, to 3D Tulips from Mad About Patchwork, fun with HSTs by Steven Bland, and making provincial flower blocks with appliqué designed by Sandy Small Proudfoot.
Other great features:
- The Oakville Fibre Artists: A Different Take on Textiles, by Karen L. Ray
- Pieces 4 Peace, by Deborah Dimitruk
- A Delightful Collection of Vintage Sewing Items, by Cindy Connell and Judy Lyons
- Charm Quilts in Grey County, ON, by Anne Ruhl Murray
- In Fond Memory of Cindy Scraba, by Jackie White
Plus all the wonderful regular: Sustainable Quilting with Bridget O’Flaherty, Electric Quilt 8® with Lauren MacDonald, and Thread Talks with WonderFil Specialty Threads.
Cover Quilt: Ready for My Close Up, made by Roxanne Nelson of Calgary, AB. Winner of the first place award in the Art—Depiction of Human or Animal Form category at the National Juried Show 2024.
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