On being a more inclusive guild, by Bill Stearman

On Becoming a More Inclusive Guild

Bill Stearman


Oct 1, 2024


The Canadian Quilters’ Association/Association canadienne de la courtepointe was formed in the early 1980s, with quilt guilds at its core. Quilting was experiencing a resurgence at the time, and guilds were growing, serving their communities as a social hub; a place of belonging, support, education and friendship. Membership within guilds, while primarily female, was otherwise as homogeneous as the communities that they served.

Over the years our communities have changed. They include people from every country in the world, speaking a multitude of languages, and practising a variety of religious and cultural traditions. Families look different, and reflect love and caring in a variety of configurations. Some folks are just now becoming comfortable with learning their culture, their language, their traditions; healing from past wrongs; finally proud of their heritage. And there are people, after years of hiding, acknowledging their gender, their gender expression, and their sexuality; finally living honest and true lives.

Interestingly, during this time, quilt guild membership appears to have changed very little. I’ve visited many guilds and, with a few exceptions, members tend to be female, over 40, middle-class, and white.

Don’t Fit by Bill Stearman

Words Found on the Back of a Painting by a Non-Binary Trans Artist, by Billl Stearman. 59″ x 63″, 2020. Quilted by Deanna Gaudaur. Photo by Mike Gaudaur (quintestudios.com). Not fitting in has been a recurring theme in my life. I’m not trans, don’t identify as non-binary, and I was born in my “right” body. Yet, this wish expressed by a non-binary artist moves me to tears.

We live in a country that is based on an understanding of social justice, an acceptance of diversity, and a commitment to equity. Our quilt guilds need to reflect this. They need an increased focus on inclusion and diversity.

This idea isn’t new, nor is it my own. The Board of Directors for CQA/ACC included the following in the introduction to their Strategic Plan, 2021 to 2024.

While preparing this Strategic Plan, in the last half of 2020, we have endeavored to educate ourselves and develop policies and practices that will grow this Association and find us more welcoming to the many under-represented quilters. This is a time for CQA/ACC’s membership to be more inclusive and diverse, reflecting the general Canadian population and quilters from all regions.

For this change to occur, it needs to happen at the guild level, and it needs to be driven by a commitment to inclusion and diversity by members. I think that quilters will understand the need. Most of us have, at one time or another, felt not welcome within a group or in a situation, even within groups that didn’t intend to make us feel that way!

As an openly gay, male quilt maker, I understand what it is like to be different; to at times, feel not welcome. And I know that I’m not alone. Many folks will remember a time when they felt that same way; a time when no-one looked like them; when no-one sounded like them; when no-one prayed or worshipped like them; when no-one was their body size; when no-one had their athletic inability; when no-one was their gender; when no-one was their age. Many can think back to a time when they felt different; to a time when their difference made them feel not welcome.

The Power of One: Gender Fluidity, by Bill Stearman

The Power of One: Gender Fluidity, by Bill Stearman. 63″ x 63″, 2019. Quilted by Deanna Gaudaur. Photo by Mike Gaudaur (quintestudios.com). This quilt is a single, large double disappearing Nine-Patch block. It symbolizes the power of one voice in defending trans rights and gender fluidity. Speak up for trans rights and use inclusive language—it truly matters.

As quilt guilds, we can rethink inclusion, and we can create spaces where no one ever feels that way again.

But becoming an inclusive quilt guild requires work, and it requires time. It is not simply a matter of saying that your guild is inclusive. It is a process, and it is on-going.

I see this process as having three basic and equally important steps.

1 There needs to be a collective commitment to inclusivity and to the work that it involves.

2 The use of inclusive language is paramount. This means attention to inclusive language during meetings, in agendas, in minutes, in newsletters, and in constitutions and bylaws.

3 Being inclusive must be reflected in on-going actions, not just in words.


Commitment to Inclusivity

When a quilt guild sets out to become more inclusive, resistance will be inevitable because, for some people, change is uncomfortable. This resistance, however, will likely be to the change itself, and not to becoming a more inclusive guild.

Here’s an example. When I visit quilt guilds, I often suggest avoiding ‘welcome ladies’ as a way to start meetings, because it excludes men, implies upper-class status, is historically tied to privileged landowners’ wives who couldn’t own land themselves, and represents the people who controlled colonization and all that is implied in that. It also suggests behavior standards that not all women aspire to, excludes non-binary folks, and forces gender assumptions based on appearance.

Most people respond to my rant with: “I never thought about it. You’re right. I’ll try to address members differently.”

A few times I’ve had folks say that it’s just a word, they don’t mean anything derogatory by it and they don’t intend to stop using it just because it is no longer politically correct. I simply remind those people that my grandmother used the same defence for using the ‘N’ word when referring to Black folks, in the 1960s.

I think that for the most part, we’ll find that quilt guild members are kind and caring folks who will happily support a change in language to create a more inclusive guild were everyone feels welcome.


Inclusive Language

Language creates perception. One wrong word can make a person feel not welcome in your guild, so make inclusion a priority with your language from the start!

Guild leaders can model by example and through gentle reminders when slip-ups are made. And they will be made. Unintentionally. Through habit.

Generally, language should be gender neutral. Refer to guild members as folks, people, quilters, sewers, friends; never ladies or girls.

If you have Guild members who identify as non-binary or as a gender other than what they were assigned at birth, use appropriate pronouns. Accept that you will make mistakes. My trans friends assure me that if a person uses an incorrect pronoun, and they notice it, that best practice is to simply self correct, and move on, without a huge apology or discussion.

Avoid words or expressions that are based on stereotypes of race, nationality, religion, or culture. These are more prevalent than you can imagine.

Become aware of the changing make-up of your community.

Younger quilters in your guild will generally use gender neutral and inclusive language as the norm. Use those members as a resource.

If you have a guild member who is more adept at inclusive language, consider asking that person to quickly proofread agendas, minutes, and newsletters before they are distributed, at least at the start.

And go through your constitution and/or by-laws. They may need some editing.


On-going Actions

Once the commitment is made and the language has changed, it’s time for on-going action. Here are a few ideas that I have seen during guild visits, along with some of my own. This list a just a beginning!

  • Begin your meetings with a statement of land acknowledgement. A quick Google search can help with wording, pronunciation, and ways to make your statement more personal. Perhaps a different person could give a personal acknowledgement at each meeting.
  • Consider adopting a Guild Statement of Inclusion. Use the Canadian Human Rights Act is a basis. Google to find other examples. The Modern Quilt Guild has one of the most complete that I’ve seen.
  • Add a space on annual membership forms for ‘Preferred Pronouns’. Perhaps these can be added to name tags.
  • Consider a Guild Inclusion Chair, charged with forming a committee to find innovative ways for promote inclusion and a more diverse membership.
  • Promote your Guild in places you wouldn’t normally consider…a Pride event, an ethnic festival, a farmers’ market. Emphasize how welcoming and inclusive your Guild is.
  • Find a presentation topic that interests guild members and give preference to a BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of colour) presenter if they are qualified.
  • Explore quilting techniques or traditions from other cultures, such as Boro, Shashiko, or Kwandi, but find folks from those cultures to introduce them.
  • Support the Quilts for Survivors project as a guild initiative. Invite folks who have related stories to tell them as part of your process. Also, see Soaring Circle’s Sewcase program, a worthwhile organization supporting sewing labs in Indigenous schools.
  • Become familiar with the story behind the Quilts of Gees Bend and consider that as a prompt for a unique Guild Quilt Challenge.
  • Follow Canadian organizations such as BANNS, Black Artists’ Network of Nova Scotia, who had a successful Secret Codes exhibit at the Textile Museum and at Quilt Canada in Halifax last year. Use Google to find other organizations supporting marginalized folks.
  • Educate yourself and your guild. Google Canadian ‘indigenous influencers’, ‘black influencers’, ‘queer influencers’. Share what you learn with Guild friends.

Feel free to send me examples of positive actions undertaken by your guild for
publication in a future issue of this magazine. Let’s learn from each other!

I acknowledge that I am writing this on the traditional and ancestral territories of the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Peoples, adjacent to Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. I recognize their enduring presence on this sacred land, as well as the presence of the Metis, Inuit, and other First Nations across Turtle Island.

I understand that I am a settler on this land, that I have benefitted from colonialism, and that I continue to benefit from that legacy.

Additionally, I acknowledge that I write this as a white male, living in a small rural Ontario town, supported by an adequate pension, and thus I speak from a position of privilege not afforded to many Canadians.—Bill Stearman

You can reach Bill by email at b.stearman@hotmail.com, and find more inspiration at billstearman.com.

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario