Grand National Delights on Tour
The 2024 Grand National “Delights” opened June 8 in Castlegar, BC, and will be exhibited in three other cities across Canada.

A Real Community Effort
The Royal City Quilters’ Guild of Guelph, ON, donated 90 quilts to the Home for Good Campaign to provide housing for vulnerable neighbours in the community.

Weir Fishing—Best in Show
Debora Barlow of Saskatoon won the Best in Show award for Weir Fishing at the National Juried Show, Quilt Canada 2024 in Edmonton.
Woodstock Quilt Guild – A Busy Month
May was a very busy month...we had our bi-annual quilt show celebrating 25yrs of quilting. Very well received, almost 600 visitors! Next month all new executive will take over.
Battle River Quilter’s Guild – Embarked on a new project this winter
The Battle River Quilters’ Guild (Camrose and Area, Alberta) embarked on a new project this winter, holding a Youth Sew Camp. The classes were held on 4 professional development days in January, February (2) and April. The classes were held in collaboration with the...

National Indigenous Peoples Day 2024
Enjoy the many events celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day taking place in Edmonton during Quilt Canada.

Quilt Canada Concurrent Shows
Quilt Canada 2024 hosts seven concurrent quilt exhibits from across Canada, as well as the TrendTex Challenge and JN Harper Youth Challenge.

Workshops Cancellation
Priscilla Bianchi is unable to teach at Quilt Canada in Edmonton this June, due to circumstances beyond our control.
Balfour Quilting and Stitchery Guild – Our Quilt Show
The Rayside Balfour Quilting and Stitchery Guild held our Quilt Show on April 27th and 28th, 2024. Our last show was cancelled due to Covid so we had many beautiful quilts and projects to display.

Sustainable Quilting—Part Six
Bridget O’Flaherty reaches out to quilters so she can create a list of places across Canada to donate unused fabric and sewing supplies.

What Quilting Has Meant to Me
Sandra Small Proudfoot created a series of three quilts to reflect on the issue of domestic violence, as a way to process her own experience, and to raise awareness of this epidemic.
Woodstock Quilt Guild – A Member’s Quilt Has Been Accepted for the National Show!
This month, we learned that one of our members , Janet Wright, has had a quilt accepted for the national show. Way to go Janet. We have never had someone qualify before. Good luck at the show in June. Everyone is gearing up for our biannual quilt show May 3-4th. ...