Saskatoon Quilters Guild
What an amazing quilt show! Reflections in Colour was the theme of the recent biennial event presented by the Saskatoon Quilters Guild. Congratulations to the organizing committee and the countless volunteers who orchestrated this extravaganza. Nearly 500 quilts...
Kingston Heirloom Quilters, Kingston Ontario
Joanna Demenjian, a Master’s student in the Queen’s University cultural studies program made a presentation to Kingston Heirloom Quilters recently to discuss her research into ‘why women stitch?’ Her research focuses on Canadian Red Cross quilts which were made by...
Battle River Quilters Guild, Camrose Alberta
December 18th was a special meeting wherein our Guild presented 47 quilts (25 adult and 22 Children’s) to the Camrose Women’s Shelter to be shared with families temporarily staying in the shelter. Our December meeting is an annual pot luck turkey supper for members...