Challenge Entry Forms Are Now Open
Have you been busy working on your Ties That Bind Challenge quilt, playing with all of the fabulous colours in our logo? Or maybe you've been tutoring a young quilter to help them create their submission for the Youth Challenge, BFF? If so, you will want to know that...
Pinetree Quilters’ Guild of Muskoka – Making the best of the present situation
The pandemic has brought on many changes to our guild. We have adapted, and are now conducting all of our monthly meetings virtually. Zoom meetings have allowed our members to have front row seats to all of our presentations. As well, we have been able to access...
Northshore Pins & Needles Quilting & Stitchery Guild – Using Facebook to present a variety of “Disappearing Blocks”
Our guild has been using Facebook to present a variety of "Disappearing Blocks" such as Pinwheel and 4 Patch. We have also been giving instructions for a row style Springtime Wall hanging. Our annual February Fun Day gathering had to be canceled due to Covid. We...

Save the Dates!
This year we are excited to present A Celebration of Quilting in Canada, a virtual alternative to our annual in-person Quilt Canada conference. What better way to celebrate 40 years than to invite quilters from across the country to join in our online party? So, mark...

Enter the National Juried Show!
Although the 2020 National Juried Show was cancelled, many of the quilters with entries juried into that show have agreed to have their quilts shown in 2021. And, with the cancellation of the 2021 in-person Quilt Canada planned for Toronto, the CQA/ACC has developed...
Rayside Balfour Quilting and Stitchery Guild – Keeping Busy with the current Block of the Month
Our Guild members are keeping themselves busy with the current Block of the Month.

International Quilt and Colour Trends Webinar with Luana Rubin
Join us Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 4 pm for a special Zoom webinar with Luana Rubin of equilter.com. 2020 has come and gone but we will continue to experience its influence for a long time. In addition to the trends in quilting and fiber arts that were unfolding...
Happy Quilters Guild – We have taken the ‘plunge’ into Zoom
Happy Quilters on Manitoulin Island have been communicating through email over the course of the fall of 2020. But we have taken the ‘plunge’ into Zoom for our first meeting of January, 2021! We had about one-quarter of our members attending and the chair, Rolanda,...

Row of the Month Quilt Along: Row 5, Flying Geese
Welcome back to our Row of the Month quilt along. You will start the New Year off making Flying Geese blocks. There are many methods to making this block; we will be using the Stitch & Flip method to ensure maximum scrappiness, but if you wish to use another...
Seymour Quilters Guild – 2020 at Seymour Quilters Guild
Early in the year we had an excellent Free Motion Quilting Workshop with Nicholas Turcan and an inspiring trunk show given by Wendy Margerm, a local long arm quilter. Two of our members submitted entries to TrendTex, Tri-a-Triad, and CQA Guild Challenges, we had...
York Heritage Quilters Guild – Nine months in and York Heritage Quilters Guild is thriving
This definition of community is fairly dry: “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common” (in our case, the love of quilting). As we navigate our way through the stresses associated with the pandemic, quilters have been...
Thunder Bay Quilters Guild – Technology still allows us opportunities to continue our learning journey
The Thunder Bay Quilters Guild held their December/Potluck meeting in a very different way! Instead of getting together and sharing a potluck feast, we met over Zoom. We were encouraged to wear an ugly Christmas sweater, or some form of festive attire. Our virtual...