Special Online Lecture with Artist Kate Ward
Our next online webinar is with Kate Ward at 3 pm EDT on April 17, 2021. Join her to learn several fun and easy ways to create fabrics at home using your stash. Solar dying, mark making with rust and how to print patterns using objects found around the house are just...
Thunder Bay Quilters Guild – Technology Allows Us to Offer Learning Opportunities From Far and Wide Across the Globe
Even though we cannot meet in person, we are still staying connected and very active! In January, two virtual classes with Libs Elliott were held. She also gave a talk/trunk show on the Saturday evening. It was a very successful weekend. One of our members introduced...
Battle River Quilters’ Guild – This is no time to be faint of Heart!
Thank Goodness we are resilient quilters and ‘press’ on regardless of any challenges. Our wonderful Guild has been keeping creativity alive. We have joined the way of Zoom meetings and though we are not meeting in person, this is a terrific alternative. It is very...

Join Our Special Online Auction of TrendTex Award Winners
The TrendTex Challenge is an annual CQA/ACC event with a long and rich history. Each year participants purchase a fat quarter bundle of five fabrics curated by TrendTex, make a wall quilt and then donate it to the Association to be shared at a silent auction that is...

Row of the Month Quilt Along: Row 7, Houses & Trees
Welcome back to our Row of the Month quilt along. It is hard to believe, but we are closing in on the last few rows - you will soon have a new quilt! This month you will be sewing a collection of charming houses alongside tree blocks made from Flying Geese units. For...

Non-Member Tickets Now Available for Ana Buzzalino Webinar
Non-member tickets for Ana Buzzalino's virtual presentation, Creativity in Times of COVID-19, are now available. Join us Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 4 pm EST for her one-hour Zoom webinar. Working primarily with her own hand-dyed and designed fabrics, Ana’s work...

The QJCP Goes Digital
Have you ever considered becoming a certified quilt judge? If you feel the call, we have great news! The CQA/ACC offers a path to certification through their Quilt Judge Certification Program (QJCP) and it is currently being revised so that it can be delivered online....

Creativity in Times of COVID-19
COVID-19 has changed our lives. We have been enveloped in a tsunami of news about the virus. We’ve had to self-isolate, social distance, wash our hands, etc. All that, on top of everything else that’s going on in the world, has taken a toll on our creativity and...

We’re Looking For an Editor
CQA/ACC's mission is to promote and celebrate quilting and Canadian quilters by preserving the traditions of those who have gone before us while looking to new and creative ways to enhance quilting for the present and future. We publish Canadian Quilter three times a...

Feeling Lucky? Play Our Fat Quarter Lottery
Join us in celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Quilters Association/ Association Canadienne de la Courtepointe. Traditionally, the 40th Anniversary is recognized as the Ruby Anniversary so let’s have some fun with our red fat quarters and the Fat Quarter...

Row of the Month Quilt Along: Row 6, Courthouse Steps
Welcome to the sixth installment of our Row of the Month quilt along. For Row 6 we are making an old classic, the Courthouse Steps block. It is similar to the incredibly popular Log Cabin quilt block and straightforward and easy to piece. First, patches are added to...

Non-Member Tickets for Luana Rubin Webinar Now Available
We're less than a week away from our International Quilt and Colour Trends webinar and tickets are now available for non-members interested in attending. Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 4 pm EST Luana Rubin from eQuilter.com will share select images of quilts from...