CQA/ACC Quilt Judge Certification Program (QJCP)
Quilt Judges
We encourage you to call upon the individuals listed below when you need qualified judges for your next quilt show.
Check out our list of Quilt Professionals for detailed profiles and contact information.
Certified Judges
Debora Barlow Saskatoon SK barlowdebora@gmail.com
Joyce Brown High River AB joyce.9.brown@gmail.com www.joycelbrown.com
Elinor Burwash Edmonton AB elinorb@me.com elinorburwashdesigns.wordpress.com
Carole Gold Peace River AB carolegoldquilts@gmail.com freshofftheframe.com
Valerie Hazelton Winnipeg MB valeriehazelton@mymts.net
Linda Lake Sharbot Lake, ON llakeg@gmail.com
Lily Lam Westmount QC moonglowstudio@gmail.com
Rebecca McAlpine Victoria, BC rebmcalpine@gmail.com
Karen Menzies Mississauga ON karenmenzies@rogers.com
Bonnie Rankin Stittsville, ON rankinbon@gmail.com
Pamela Sjoden Houston BC psjoden@gmail.com
Elizabeth Spannring La Center WA trapunto@gmail.com
Wanda Diboll Portage la Prairie MB wsteiner@mymts.net
Judy Villett New Westminster BC judyvillett@gmail.com www.judyvillett.com
Apprentice Judges
Apprentice Judges have successfully completed Module 3 of the Quilt Judge Certification Program.