Battle River Quilters’ Guild – Members of our Guild continue to express their creativity in a multitude of ways

Carole-May Coty
September 7, 2021

Though we’ve been living with restrictive measures set by Health Care officials, many creative ways to meet and play have been experienced. One saving grace has been our ability to participate via Zoom for general meetings as well as our Sew Days; we even had an excellent workshop on walking foot quilting this way. Zoom technology has enabled us to keep connected even though not in person. We were also able to meet a time or two out of doors observing ‘the protocols.’

Our 2020 quilt show has been postponed until June 2022, but in the meantime as a way to raise our profile and public awareness, we created an outdoor event namely, Quilts On Parade. Open to all quilters, members and nonmembers. Quilters were invited to register to display their creations at their homes by draping quilts on fences, easels, chairs, clotheslines or whatever way displayed their beauties. Our local newspaper helped to promote the event and maps were created to guide folks to locations throughout our city. Photos are included in this report.

Our members continue to create ‘Comfort’ quilts which are donated when need arises. We happily donated 25 such gifts to folks who were left quite destitute when a senior’s home in St. Albert, Alberta burned down leaving many in distress. Imagine the comfort experienced by those who received those gifts, as well as the warm fuzzies felt by members knowing they made a difference at a time of tragedy.

Members have had some fun over the last few months with a ‘Pizza Box’ challenge. Some real beauties evolved from that. As well, members have been challenged with getting their UFOs finished by December. Some have confessed to having over 30 UFOs on their list…busy, busy…

Fingers crossed that we will soon resume our in-person meetings to share with each other and conduct our monthly business.

Happy Quilting!!!

At Karen’s, photo by CM Coty

Judy’s, photo by CM Coty

On the Fence, photo by CM Coty