Block by Cheryl Gardiner Gardiner’s Gate Barn Quilts @gardinersgate
Barn Quilt Blocks
Canadian Quilter magazine put out a call to members, readers, and followers for Barn Quilt images, and we are delighted with the enthusiastic response. Since we couldn’t fit them all in the magazine, we are sharing all of the contributions here. See the Summer 2022 issue of Canadian Quilter (available mid-May) for the full story.
If you’re thinking of making your own Barn Quilt Block, you will find tons of inspiration here. And, if you’re searching online for trail guides, we suggest you start at Barn Quilt Trails Canada.
Did you miss the call for photos? No worries, just email yours to the Editor, and we’ll add them to the gallery.
Click on the images below to see the details about each block, and enjoy!