by Ana Dailey | Jan 4, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
The Thunder Bay Quilters Guild held their December/Potluck meeting in a very different way! Instead of getting together and sharing a potluck feast, we met over Zoom. We were encouraged to wear an ugly Christmas sweater, or some form of festive attire. Our virtual...
by Ana Dailey | Dec 24, 2020 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
One day in September when I was visiting our member, Phyllis Vanhorne, she showed me a magazine clipping of a quilt she had made. I remembered the quilt because it was very distinctive – it had silhouettes of life-sized cats appliqued all over it. Phyllis said it...
by Ana Dailey | Oct 27, 2020 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
Since the world hit the pause button in March, we have been thankful for the wonderful Saskatoon Quilters Guild executive team which has been working hard to determine the best way to proceed in a new and safe way. Currently virtual guild gatherings have been planned...
by Ana Dailey | Oct 22, 2020 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
The West End Quilters are not letting Covid-19 slow them down. When meetings were cancelled in the middle of March people kept quilting and sending pictures back and forth to each other. We resumed outdoor in-person meetings in August in the garden of a member’s...
by Ana Dailey | Oct 6, 2020 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
The Thunder Bay Quilters Guild held the first meeting since the pandemic forced everyone to stay at home. The meeting was held in September via zoom, and was very successful, with renewed memberships over 100. We will be hosting zoom classes and a trunk show with...