by Ana Dailey | Apr 1, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
In *“The Beachcombers” town of Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast of B.C., a new affordable housing project has just been completed to help people at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness. The Comfort Society (which is a committee within the Sunshine Coast Quilters’...
by Ana Dailey | Mar 31, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
Here in The Valley as it is known, is a small quilting group (31 members) named Annapolis Valley Quilt Guild. The Valley is the lovely area of Southwest Nova Scotia made up of small towns and villages along the Bay of Fundy. Our group is celebrating our...
by Ana Dailey | Mar 18, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
Even though we cannot meet in person, we are still staying connected and very active! In January, two virtual classes with Libs Elliott were held. She also gave a talk/trunk show on the Saturday evening. It was a very successful weekend. One of our members introduced...
by Ana Dailey | Mar 17, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
Thank Goodness we are resilient quilters and ‘press’ on regardless of any challenges. Our wonderful Guild has been keeping creativity alive. We have joined the way of Zoom meetings and though we are not meeting in person, this is a terrific alternative. It is very...
by Ana Dailey | Jan 29, 2021 | CQA/ACC Guild Reports
The pandemic has brought on many changes to our guild. We have adapted, and are now conducting all of our monthly meetings virtually. Zoom meetings have allowed our members to have front row seats to all of our presentations. As well, we have been able to access...