Canadian Quilter Spring 2022

Canadian Quilter Spring 2022

February 1, 2022

The Spring 2022 issue of Canadian Quilter is a great read!

  • See the quilted portraits of NJS Award Winner Fuzzy Mall, including one of his latest works.
  • Read about all the teachers, lecturers, and keynote speakers at Quilt Canada 2022. Registration opens March 15, 2022.
  • Read an interview with Vanessa Génier from Quilts for Survivors.
  • Enjoy the story of the Junior Quilters and their teacher, Barbara Lichman, who has been teaching them to hand quilt for about six years now.
  • Holly Clarke Design shares her pattern for the Great Expectations quilt block.
  • Make a Modern HST Wall Hanging by Jackie White.
  • Learn about the Sew & Sew Skills Lab program of I Love First Peoples, and how you can help support their sewing labs in northern schools.
  • Alison Dean Cowitz tells all about her experiences making ACE – Accumulated Creative Energy with thickened dye.
  • Get Inspired! This issue’s images are of scrappy quilted projects from our readers!
  • Nova Scotia quilt maker Myla Borden sew together the pieces of her peoples’ past.
  • Learn about how the quilts of Fogo Island Inn were inspired by the traditional quilts of this island off an island.
  • Meet the new Quilt Apprentice Judges.
  • Learn seven ways to use 8wt threads in your quilts.
  • And be inspired by some fresh ideas from Electric Quilt.

Cover Quilt: Emma Sincerbox2 by Fuzzy Mall.

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Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario