The Thunder Bay Quilters Guild held their June meeting over zoom. The next meeting will be in September, hopefully in person, but if not, then by zoom. Our guest speaker was Rose Parr, who did a presentation on ergonomics in your sewing space. She imparted lots of good information to keep us sewing safely. Rose was also featured in the summer 2021 issue of the Canadian Quilter Magazine. It was announced that the October 2021 workshop with Jo Avery has been quickly filled. Virtual workshops are allowing many of us to participate in classes that we may not have had a chance to otherwise. The sisterhood swap block was a resounding success! A slide show of completed projects using the block was presented, and it was announced that another project is in the works for next year. Possibly a postcard swap? Details to follow! The sisterhood pattern is by Berene Campbell of Happy Sew Lucky. The guild held a quilt-along during this year, and many completed tops and quilts were shown on a slideshow. Lovely work ladies! The prompt for the Northcott challenge was Reflections. Completed pieces will be displayed at the Thunder Bay Museum, where the Crossroads Exhibit is being shown until September 25/21. It is interesting to see how the title is interpreted, using the lovely Northcott fabrics. Some of our members participated in the Global Quilt Connection. It was very well received. Looking forward to another one! Even during Covid, quilting is thriving in Thunder Bay, and across Canada!