The pandemic has brought on many changes to our guild. We have adapted, and are now conducting all of our monthly meetings virtually. Zoom meetings have allowed our members to have front row seats to all of our presentations. As well, we have been able to access exceptional presenters from further distances.
We made the difficult decision of cancelling our May 2021 Quilt Show, and are rescheduling for June 2023, which would bring us to our regularly scheduled cycle. As an executive, we felt that this was the right thing to do so not to conflict with other upcoming shows.
March 20th, we are having our very first Virtual Sew-Along for our members. We are hearing from our members that they are truly missing the social aspects of our in-person gatherings. Those who sign up for the event, will be placed in a small workshop of their choice. We hope that our members will not only work on their project, but will have an opportunity to chat with their quilting friends.
Change is inevitable, and we are making the best of the present situation!