Enter the National Juried Show!



January 25, 2021


Although the 2020 National Juried Show was cancelled, many of the quilters with entries juried into that show have agreed to have their quilts shown in 2021. And, with the cancellation of the 2021 in-person Quilt Canada planned for Toronto, the CQA/ACC has developed alternatives plan to judge the entries, award prizes and display the quilts.

The good news is that a virtual National Juried Show is being planned for June 2021. An added bonus is that we are not constrained by the physical limitations of a show hall, so we will be accepting additional entries to the 2021 Virtual National Juried Show!

The Call for Entry for additional quilts for the virtual show was posted on the website on January 15, 2021 and will be open for one month. After it closes on February 15, 2021, the new entries will undergo the jurying process in March, allowing for up to an additional 100 quilts to be juried into the show from the January and February entries. Judging of all accepted quilts will take place in May.

Stay tuned for details about June’s virtual awards ceremony – they will be released in the spring. And be certain to take a look at the entry requirements and plan your entry now. Remember, entry is only available until February 15, 2021, so don’t delay!

Photo: For Such at Time as This, 2019 Best of Show, Kathy Wylie

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario