photo of Norman Lockington's painting of his wife Gail

Safe at Home

Marcy Horswill
Summer 2020

I was charmed with Gail Lockington’s quilt when she submitted a photo as part of the CQA/ACC social media call for quilts: What Does Home Mean to You? Gail’s quilt conveys everything comforting about home – garden beds with flowers and vegetables, warm earthy colours and silhouettes of cute bunnies resting at ease.

photo of Gail Lockington's Rabbit Hollow quilt

However, Gail also sent in another treasure which also caught my eye. This piece was an oil painting by Gail’s husband, Norman. It filled me with  well-being as I studied its depth, detail and beauty. The peaceful, comfortable feeling that home is the safest place to be resonated strongly within  me. I felt this painting spoke the best message for all quilters to hear right now.

The painting formed in Norm’s mind one September day when he spied Gail, wrapped cozily in her quilt, on the back steps of their deck a handful  of years ago. Norm took reference photos of Gail and painted a colour study to use as he worked on the final portrait. An established portrait artist, more of Norm’s work may be viewed on Instagram.

photo of Norm Lockington's painting of his wife Gail

The painting, measuring 26″ x 40″, now hangs in the Lockington’s living room to remind them of that special moment in time. Gail’s quilt,  measuring 70″ x 98″, covers the guestroom bed where grandchildren sleep while visiting – all eight of them (not all at once)! The quilt pattern is  from the book, Life in the Country, by Mary Tendall and Connie Tesene.

Norm and Gail are fortunate to share a passion for creativity. Both have studios in their basement, which is filled with light. They work  i independently, but can meet to discuss or share their work any time. During these days of COVID-19 and confinement to home, Norm and Gail are happy to have blended hobbies.

Both Gail and Norm are taking good care of themselves and staying home. When I spoke with them last, they were happy to share their latest  news on speaker phone. Their grown children drop groceries and other necessities on the doorstep. They are isolated, as we all are, but healthy and looking forward to together times with family somewhere down the timeline. Thank you to Gail and Norman for sharing home with quilters across Canada!

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario