December 18th was a special meeting wherein our Guild presented 47 quilts (25 adult and 22 Children’s) to the Camrose Women’s Shelter to be shared with families temporarily staying in the shelter. Our December meeting is an annual pot luck turkey supper for members and a few appreciative quests. Besides the December presentation to the Women’s Shelter, our Battle River Quilters’ Guild donated 71 quilts to various organizations throughout the Camrose community before the holiday season. It is very heartening to see such dedication and generosity of our members. A big THANK YOU to all!
Our 2020 Treasures Quilt Show committee is busily preparing for our bi-annual show which will take place June
26 & 27, 2020 at the Chuck MacLean Arts Centre in Camrose. Excitement is building!
President Donna McShane left, Nora-Lee Rear, centre, and Lynn Horsman of The Camrose Women’s Shelter
Photo credit: Murray Green, Camrose Booster
submitted Carol May-Coty