2025 TrendTex Challenge - Entry Form Personal InformationAre You a CQA/ACC Member?(Required) Yes No Enter Member Number (if applicable)First Name(Required)Last Name(Required)Address(Required)City(Required)Province/State(Required)Country(Required)Postal Code(Required)Email(Required) Phone #(Required)Quilt InformationTitle of Wall Quilt(Required)Size: Perimeter of finished piece must not be larger than 120" no matter what shape you choose. There is no minimum size restriction.Width of Wall Quilt(Required)Length of Wall Quilt(Required)Does your wall quilt contain ONLY the five TrendTex Challenge fabrics on the front (including binding)?(Required) Yes No Pattern Source (type in original if it is or type the pattern source)(Required)Techniques Used(Required)Artist's Statement: How did you interpret the theme? This information will be displayed with your wall quilt at Quilt Canada 2025, Toronto, Ontario. Limit word count to approximately 50 words.(Required)Wall Quilt Image Please upload a photo of your quilt in JPG format, smaller than 3.5 mb. Once you click SUBMIT, allow time for the form to process.Wall Quilt Image(Required)Max. file size: 256 MB.Acceptance of Rules Yes, I accept By submitting my quilt for entry to the 2025 TrendTex Challenge, I understand and agree to the following: • I have followed the rules. • I am donating my quilt to CQA/ACC to be auctioned at Quilt Canada 2025 on June 21. • My entry may appear on the www.canadianquilter.com website, e-newsletter, additional CQA/ACC social media platforms and the Canadian Quilter magazine. • The information presented with the image will include title and quilter’s name and may include the Artist’s Statement.