Quilt Judge Certification Program News

Carole Gold
Spring 2021

Have you ever considered becoming a certified quilt judge? If you feel the call, we have great news! The CQA/ACC offers a path to certification through their Quilt Judge Certification Program (QJCP). The QJCP is currently being revised by its new facilitators, Elizabeth Spannring and Carole Gold. We are working on a way to deliver program components virtually without compromising the program’s quality. It’s a challenge that is both massive and exciting!

First, we’ve established an electronic application form on the CQA/ACC website. The form will, of course, request basic information about you, the applicant, such as your name and contact information. You will be asked to describe your experience with helping on a judging floor and what roles you filled. You will also be asked about teaching experience, quilting organizations to which you belong, related volunteer experience, where your quilts have been exhibited, if you’ve had work published, how you keep up to date on new techniques and ideas, and more! We want to know ALL about your quilting life to see if you’re ready to enter the program!

Line exercises add to one’s independent study portfolio.

If you apply, additional photos and documents will be requested once your form has been received by the program facilitators, and a virtual interview will be arranged. After a review of your completed application and interview, the QJCP facilitators will let you know if you’ve been accepted into the program.

Colour is another important QJCP topic of exploration.

Prefacing the online application form (on the CQA/ACC’s QJCP web page) is an explanation of the QJCP and some general requirements, a list of recommended computer skills, and the program prerequisites. If you’re thinking of applying, please read this information first to be sure you’re prepared for what’s to come.

An overview of the program’s structure is also provided, along with its associated costs. It’s important to know such information before committing to the program.

Along with changes to the delivery method, the program’s structure has been slightly altered. Effective immediately, you must enter the program already in possession of the necessary quilting and design skills, with a minimum of two judging experiences as described in the program prerequisites. The QJCP will constantly test your quilting knowledge but will focus on developing and refining your quilt judging skills.

There’s plenty of reading along the way.

The program will consist of four parts:
PART 1 Independent Research and Study, which will include required readings, design exercises, sample making and pursuing independent learning, as applicable.
PART 2 Four-day Judging Course, which will be delivered virtually/electronically at this time.
PART 3 Apprentice Phase, which involves pursuing additional individual judging or jurying experiences, aiding on the National Juried Show (NJS) judging floor, continued independent learning and professional development, and passing a quilting knowledge quiz before advancing to the final exam.
PART 4 Final Exam, in which apprentices who are ready will participate in an extensive mock judging exercise at a CQA/ACC National Juried Show.

It’s important to note that participants will not automatically advance to the next stage at the completion of each part of the program. Performance at each stage is subject to examination, and a certain standard must be attained in order to pass to the next level.

Composition exercises are a warm up for sample making in Part One of the QJCP.

Becoming a certified quilt judge requires an extensive practical knowledge of quilting skills and artistic principles, a professional demeanor, and a love of helping others. It takes dedication and study, travel and testing, practice and a whole lot of hard work. Though it’s demanding, the Quilt Judge Certification Program is also very stimulating!

If you’re ready – and armed with a thirst for learning, a drive for excellence and a kind, professional attitude – becoming a certified quilt judge could be your next BEST challenge. Detailed program information, including a link to the electronic application form, can be found on the CQA/ACC website.

If you have any questions with regards to the CQA/ACC Quilt Judge Certification Program (QJCP) please email Elizabeth Spannring and Carole Gold at QJCP@canadianquilter.com.

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario

Quilt Canada June 18-21, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario