If I had a loonie for every time I felt like quilting… Time to make the Loon Block!
Be sure to share photos of your work in progress with the Mystery Quilt 2022-23 Facebook Group! You can also post on Instagram by tagging @canadian_quilters and @arteastquiltingco, and by using the hashtags #cqamysteryquilt or #331quilt.
The $3.31 Quilt is designed by John MacPhail at Art East Quilting Co, so you know you’re in for some fun!
Here are some links to the installments posted so far:
Fabric Requirements
Block 1: The Beaver
Block 2: The Polar Bear
Block 4: The Loon
Block3: The Caribou
Questions? Please email Membership Director, Lillian Perivolaris (membership@canadianquilter.com).