Battle River Quilters’ Guild – This is no time to be faint of Heart!

Carole-May Coty
March 17, 2021

Thank Goodness we are resilient quilters and ‘press’ on regardless of any challenges.  Our wonderful Guild has been keeping creativity alive. We have joined the way of Zoom meetings and though we are not meeting in person, this is a terrific alternative. It is very heart warming to see the smiling faces of our colleagues albeit on a screen. Our membership is thriving; we are at 37, just a few short of where we were a year ago and happy to report that all are well.

While the Guild was still able to meet in person, we were blessed to have had two engaging speakers. In October Nicole Langlois, the area representative of Quilts of Valor, gave us an informative presentation and display of quilts created for veterans and front-line workers. Information about their program can be found by visiting the web site In November, our speaker was Nancy Clubb from Bags of Love. Nancy shared how the program gives comfort to children in care by giving them special bags containing books, toys, and a quilt that they can take with them wherever they go. Our Comfort Quilt committee presented Nancy with 20 quilts made by Guild members.

Our members are busy creating charity/comfort quilts to be donated to a variety of organizations. The following is an indication of what has been evolving as reported by the Comfort Quilt committee, Carol Marohn and Margery Rowlands:111 quilts were
donated to various groups in mid December to celebrate Christmas. Recipient organizations were Rosehaven Care Centre, Louise Jensen Care Centre, Stollery Children’s Hospital, and the Learning Together Program. Besides these organizations, our main dedication is to the Camrose Women’s Shelter. At this point we have enough quilts to fulfill our June commitment of 25 quilts and are well on our way to having our commitment of 25 quilts in December completed. Thank you to each Guild member for helping to piece, bind and even donate tops from your own stashes. It truly is a group effort that makes this possible.

Let us give a big shout-out to our innovative program committee, Faith Gabert and Nicole Beaucage! They have had and continue to have interesting and exciting activities that keep us inspired and involved. In September two mystery Christmas projects were provided. We are now having ‘sew days’ twice per month via Zoom complete with Show and Tell time. Currently we have a Pizza Box Exchange underway with very keen participants. Also, we have been given an opportunity to attend a workshop via Zoom with Melissa Marginet, to learn walking foot quilting technique which should be lots of fun.

Our business meetings that take place the third Wednesday of the month will now be done via Zoom until we are able to meet in person.

Happy quilting and be well everyone!