Happy Quilters on Manitoulin Island have been communicating through email over the course of the fall of 2020. But we have taken the ‘plunge’ into Zoom for our first meeting of January, 2021! We had about one-quarter of our members attending and the chair, Rolanda, used our regular agenda to lead us through a meeting.
It was exciting to see members that none of us have seen for months, and to listen to some of the updates. One of our members has moved from her farm to an apartment in Gore Bay. Another one is actively helping care for her grandchildren since her daughter and family has moved from Toronto to rent on the Island. Both parents are able to work from home. Others have been working hard on Mennonite Relief sewing and quilting projects. One member does pattern testing for quilt designer, Jackie White, so she has been busy all year with her own quilts as well as the block patterns she completes.
We have a space on Facebook to share images of quilts and in one entry, Rolanda reminded us all with photos why we should check the bobbin area of our machines once in a while!
By the end of the meeting, we decided that this type of meeting is a successful way to continue until we can begin again with in-person meetings.