=== Username Changer === Contributors: widgitlabs, evertiro Donate link: https://evertiro.com/donate/ Tags: user, username, display name, login Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 5.4.1 Stable tag: 3.2.2 Change usernames easily == Description == Changing usernames should be a pretty straightforward feature. Unfortunately, WordPress doesn't allow it by default. Username Changer attempts to remedy that oversight. == Installation == = From your WordPress dashboard = 1. Visit 'Plugins > Add New' 2. Search for 'Username Changer' 3. Activate Username Changer from your Plugins page = From WordPress.org = 1. Download Username Changer 2. Upload the 'username-changer' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins' directory of your WordPress installation 3. Activate Username Changer from your Plugins page == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is Username Changer compatible with Co-Authors Plus? = Yes! Username Changer works out of the box with Co-Authors Plus. == Screenshots == 1. Settings Panel: The settings panel allows you to configure username rules and message strings. 2. Changing A Username" Since version 3.0.0, usernames are now changed through the user profile page. == Changelog == = Version 3.2.2 = * Updated: General cleanup * Updated: Settings library = Version 3.2.1 = * Updated: Settings library (fixes sysinfo security vulnerability) = Version 3.2.0 = * Updated: Bring code up to reasonable standards = Version 3.1.1 = * Fixed: Issue with multicheck settings fields + Version 3.1.0 = * Added: Email notification support * Added: Nickname support * Improved: SQL performance * Improved: Dynamically update profile files = Version 3.0.1 = * Fixed: Typo in readme file = Version 3.0.0 = * Improved: Replaced the clunky interface with an inline profile field (props: Danny van Kooten) * Added: Settings panel = Version 2.1.1 = * Removed: Deprecated functions = Version 2.0.5 = * Fixed: Contributor field = Version 2.0.4 = * Updated: Plugin metalinks = Version 2.0.3 = * Fixed: User nice name support = Version 2.0.2 = * Added: multisite support = Version 2.0.1 = * Added: Proper username sanitization * Improved: Minor code cleanup = Version 2.0.0 = * Improved: Converted to class-based structure = Version 1.4 = * Added: Include author url (nicename) in update process = Version 1.3 = * Fixed: Properly escaped vars on POST (I think) = Version 1.2 = * Fixed: Minor tweak to previous release = Version 1.1 = * Added: Action on All Users page * Improved: User dropdown is now sorted alphabetically = Version 1.0 = * Initial release