# The Events Calendar: Category Colors Contributors: theeventscalendar, afragen, barry.hughes Donate link: https://theeventscalendar.com Tags: events, color, calendar, category Requires at least: 5.2 Requires PHP: 7.1 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 7.3.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Add event category background colors to The Events Calendar events. ## Description Add background colors to event categories displayed in the event views of The Events Calendar. This is inspired by the post _Coloring Your Category Events_. Settings for The Events Calendar: Category Colors plugin are located in their own tab on The Events Calendar Settings page. To force a refresh of your CSS, add `?refresh_css` to the end of your events URL, or re-save the Settings. ## Frequently Asked Questions ### Does the plugin require The Events Calendar plugin? Yes. [The Events Calendar plugin](http://wordpress.org/plugins/the-events-calendar/) is written by StellarWP. It requires at least The Events Calendar v5.0. ### What if I use a version of The Events Calendar 2.x? The last compatible version of this plugin that works with TEC 2.x is [The Events Calendar: Category Colors v1.6.3](http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/the-events-calendar-category-colors.1.6.3.zip). ### Where can I get more help? There is more extensive documentation of the plugins features and usage on the [The Events Calendar: Category Colors wiki](https://github.com/the-events-calendar/the-events-calendar-category-colors/wiki). ### Where can I report bugs? 1. Add a new topic on the [WordPress Support Forum](http://wordpress.org/tags/the-events-calendar-category-colors). 2. Add a new issue on the [github repo](https://github.com/the-events-calendar/the-events-calendar-category-colors/issues?state=open). ## Screenshots 1. The Events Calendar: Category Colors Settings tab 2. The Events Calendar: Category Colors in action 3. The Events Calendar: Category Colors with Legend Superpowers in action ## Changelog #### 7.3.2 / 2024-08-20 * Fix - Resolve problems when Hide option not hiding categories on the frontend. (props @afragen) [TEC-5139] #### 7.3.1 / 2024-07-09 * Fix - Resolve problem for PHP 8+, avoid passing pass `null` to string specific functions. (props @afragen) [TECENG-58] #### 7.3.0 / 2023-04-29 * updates to legend superpowers to maintain selection between time selections * dim/undim legend superpowers menu items * general code improvement of legend superpowers * yeah Barry 🙌 #### 7.2.0 / 2023-03-02 * update `Frontend::show_legend()` to accomodate multiple calendar views on single page #### 7.1.2 / 2023-01-27 * TEC converted `$view->get_slug()` to `$view::get_view_slug()` in https://github.com/the-events-calendar/the-events-calendar/pull/4091 * add checks for default values being set #### 7.1.1 / 2022-10-16 * add `$comma` parameter to `echo_css()` to simplify placement of selectors #### 7.1.0 / 2022-10-12 * rename title to correspond to The Events Calendar standard * retructure CSS additions to not end with comma, added in `category.css.php` * fix empty spacer classes to be transparent * add CSS for TEC/ECP 6.0 feature events #### 7.0.6 / 2022-05-20 * move all Pro CSS to `CSS\Pro` * fix CSS for all day multiday week view * update hook name for Events Calendar settings to load admin resources #### 7.0.5 / 2022-05-17 * load Superpowers JS on mobile too * improve Superpowers JS slug selection, use vanilla JS #### 7.0.4 / 2022-05-16 * update Superpowers JS for jQuery `click` and slug selection #### 7.0.3 / 2022-05-13 * update past event CSS #### 7.0.2 / 2022-05-08 * fix PHP Warning #### 7.0.1 / 2022-05-04 * hotfix, `Base_CSS` not being written, stupid mistake on my part #### 7.0.0 / 2022-05-04 * rewrite to use `wp_add_inline_style()` for adding CSS, no more file writing * WPCS linting * update requirements, PHP 7.1, WP 5.2 #### 6.7.1 / 2021-08-20 * add some error checking, [#132](https://github.com/afragen/the-events-calendar-category-colors/issues/132) #### 6.7.0 / 2021-08-14 * update JS for jQuery 3.0, thanks @andrasguseo * add Reset button for legend, thanks @andrasguseo * add legend for Summary view, thanks @andrasguseo * update Settings UI to show/hide options * update for new Summary view in ECP * only use `esc_attr_e` for translating strings * add `teccc_legend_terms` filter * update `legend.php` #### 6.6.0 / 2021-07-07 * add @10up GitHub Actions for WordPress SVN integration * **Reset** button added to legend in settings, navigate back to main calendar, thanks @andrasgueso #### 6.5.0 / 2021-05-16 * updated to fix CSS url if running on non-standard port * updated legend superpowers to work with shortcode, thanks @gustavo * add filter `teccc_uploads_dir` to filter the `wp-content/uploads` path. * added legend views to Settings, thanks @andrasguseo #### 6.4.12 / 2021-01-07 * fix conflict between widget list and multiday events #### 6.4.11 / 2020-12-5 * update for widget list [#119](https://github.com/afragen/the-events-calendar-category-colors/issues/119) #### 6.4.10 / 2020-08-01 * silence `unlink()` #### 6.4.9 / 2020-02-28 * updated all v2 views hook names for showing legend * deprecate `teccc_reposition_legend()` with v2 * deprecate `teccc_remove_default_legend`, just uncheck the setting #### 6.4.8 / 2020-02-17 - Happy Birthday Dad! 🎂 * simplify jQuery `on()` for reloading legend superpowers `setup()` and remove conditionals 🤞 #### 6.4.7 / 2020-02-06 * separate JS conditionals * fix stylesheet URL for protocol relative link when host missing #### 6.4.6 / 2020-02-03 * improve JS conditional to prevent JS error on non-calendar pages #### 6.4.5 / 2020-01-31 * make JS conditional more specific so legend superpowers continue to work after prev/next #### 6.4.4 / 2020-01-30 * now strip CSS URL scheme to avoid mixed media errors from server #### 6.4.1 - 6.4.3 / 2020-01-28 * test explicity for `$template instanceof \Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template`, fixes bug when also using Events Tickets * fix Superpowers JS error, `ReferenceError: Can't find variable: tribe` and `views` #### 6.4.0 / 2020-01-27 * explicitly set file permissions to 644 for CSS files * updated for new v2 views or TEC and ECP * make legend superpowers work for new v2 views, thanks Gustavo!! #### 6.3.2 / 2019-10-30 * fixed storage of `cache_key` transient #### 6.3.1 / 2019-10-24 * fixed incorrect CSS selector for background colors #### 6.3.0 / 2019-10-04 * structural reorganization of plugin * update WordPress and PHP requirements to align with The Events Calendar * remove `GLOB_BRACE` as unneeded and limiting [#108](https://github.com/afragen/the-events-calendar-category-colors/pull/108), thanks @DakuTree #### 6.2.0 * add filter to set options hash, hopefully this solves an issue with load balancers not having current files * change `wp_get_upload_dir()` to `wp_upload_dir()` so that if the directory doesn't exist it is created * the above fixes [Writing to CSS file failing](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/writing-to-css-file-failing/), thanks @dpegasusm #### 6.1.1 / 2019-03-09 * fix PHP notice [#102](https://github.com/afragen/the-events-calendar-category-colors/pull/102) * updated `composer.json` * update message incompatible PHP version for consistency with WP core #### 6.0.0 / 2018-10-20 * move `teccc_get_terms` filter after filters `teccc_add_terms` and `teccc_delete_terms` * add default values when using `teccc_add_terms` filter * added `class Bootstrap` for plugin loading, now requires PHP 5.4+ * use `sanitize_hex_color()` for validation of color picker data * fixed coloring for _featured events_ #### 5.3.0 / 2018-08-03 * fixed widget CSS * move list CSS to `class Extras` * fixed week CSS * load stylesheet all the time, more efficient as external file * updated `class Main` to `use Tribe__Events__Main` can now use `Tribe__Events__Main::TAXONOMY` * refactor setup of ignored terms and term data * add `border-right` to featured events * updated validation code upon saving options * use `wp_upload_url()` to for stylesheet to accomodate user directory preferences * set SSL corrected URLs for `wp_upload_url()`, #### 5.2.2 / 2018-07-28 * fix to create CSS when files don't exist #### 5.2.1 / 2018-7-28 * cleanup old CSS files #### 5.2.0 / 2018-07-28 * write standard and minified CSS to files * load minified CSS when WP_DEBUG is false * improve minify code * update CSS selectors for list view * refactor CSS strings for inline format #### 5.1.0 * update for new tooltip title as `h3` * added some functions for adding deprecated CSS * added function `Extras::override_customizer()` for when _Customizer_ settings need to be overridden #### 5.0.1 * needed a space between CSS parameters, PhpStorm reformat code error #### 5.0.0 * add `Default` as text color option which removes CSS color tag * Settings will need to be re-saved due to the new settings options See [CHANGES.md](CHANGES.md) for complete list of changes. ## Attribution Thanks to jonahcoyote for some early help and direction. Big thanks to Barry Hughes (WebsiteBakery) for refactoring code and Legend Superpowers.