*** Changelog *** 2020-11-27 - version 2.3 * Fixed reCaptcha not working for IE 11. 2020-11-18 - version 2.2 * Fixed reCaptcha v2 disable submit button on reCaptcha reset problem 2020-10-29 - version 2.1 * Fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string error after updates 2.0 2020-10-27 - version 2.0 * Now "recaptcha for woocommerce" support google latest version of greCAPTCHA V3 * This version never disturb user, ReCaptcha V3 Uses a behind-the-scenes scoring system to detect abusive traffic, and lets you decide the minimum passing score. Please note that there is no user interaction shown in reRecapcha V3 meaning that no recaptcha challenge is shown to solve. 2020-09-17 - version 1.0.17 * Added captcha protection for WooCommerce Pay For Order (This is only used when your order is failed. WooCommerce allow failed order to repay using this page. 2020-09-01 - version 1.0.16 * Added option for checkout captcha to refresh when there are checkout errors. * Fixed issue of refresh captcha sometimes not working 2020-08-19 - version 1.0.15 * Tested With WooCommerce 4.4.0 2020-08-09 - version 1.0.14 * Added javascript callbacks after reCaptcha varified * Tested With WordPress 5.5 2020-07-26 - version 1.0.13 * Fixed issue of Add payment method captcha not showing up. 2020-07-03 - version 1.0.12 * Removed jQuery.noConflict() as this cause problem for some of users. 2020-06-12 - version 1.0.11 * Added facility to show/hide reCaptcha label * Tested with WooCommerce 4.2 2020-05-23 - version 1.0.10 * Fixed small problem reported by user when nonce is diffrent * Tested with WooCommerce 4.1 2020-05-21 - version 1.0.9 * Fixed broken link in admin WooCommerce reCaptcha settings tab * Added new protection for Add payment method * Added new feature - disable submit button until captcha checked * Added translation so that if messages labels etc left blank then you can translate it 2020-05-03 - version 1.0.8 * As per some of the clients complain that Recaptcha not working when the payment processer takes more time. So added ReCaptcha validity settings for checkout. So once Recaptcha verified it will valid for a given number of minutes * Added option to enable reCaptcha on login checkout * Fixed for multisite have problem when not activated for networks 2020-04-23 - version 1.0.6 * Important fix found by Macneil. His hosting is strict and there is problem while loading recaptcha settings tab. 2020-04-22 - version 1.0.5 * Make plugin compatible with WordPress multisite 2020-04-09 - version 1.0.4 * Added new option "No-conflict" mode. This will helpful when there is conflict is Recaptcha js. 2020-03-24 - version 1.0.3 * Fixed error reported by Thomas Wurwal that some of theme not rendere captcha on checkout page, due to in wp_enqueue_scripts action is_woocommerce() return false. 2020-03-15 - version 1.0.2 * Fixed error shown in checkout page console (reRecapcha already rendered) * As checkout is ajax based sometimes it is possible captcha is expired so added refresh captcha option to checkout page 2020-03-12 - version 1.0.1 * Tested with WooCommerce 4.0 2020-02-17 - version 1.0 * Inital release