== Changelog == = = * Fixed: Custom login page redirects to the default WordPress login page when incorrect credentials are entered. = = * Fixed: Cookie issue = = * Fixed: Advert dismissing issue for Widget Options = = * Improved: Compatibility PHP 8.1 * Added: UserSync (Collaboration with FuseWP) = = * Improved: Compatibility PHP 8 * Improved: Compatibility with WP 6.2 * Fixed: Assets URL * Updated: Plugin’s Description = = * Added [LearnPress](https://loginwp.com/redirect-wordpress-users-after-login-learnpress/?ref=changelog) integration. * PHP 8 improvements. * Fixed Warning: Undefined array key "rul_first_login" * Added filter to execute integrations conditions last. = = * Pro: [WishList Member integration](https://loginwp.com/redirect-wordpress-users-after-login-wishlist-members/?ref=changelog). = = * Pro: [Paid Memberships Pro condition](https://loginwp.com/redirect-wordpress-users-after-login-paid-memberships-pro-levels/?ref=changelog). * Fixed error message: syntax error, unexpected ‘?’ = = * Pro: ["After First Login" condition](https://loginwp.com/article/redirect-wordpress-users-after-first-login/?ref=changelog). * Fixed: PHP Notice Trying to get property ‘user_login’ of non-object. = = * Fixed bug with wp list pagination per page not working. = = * Pro: Added [Polylang integration](https://loginwp.com/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=3020#pro-conditions) * Pro: Added [WPML integration](https://loginwp.com/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=3020#pro-conditions) * Fixed fatal error caused by other plugin metaboxes. = = * Added logout support to all [Pro conditions](https://loginwp.com/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=4011#pro-conditions). * [Pro features](https://loginwp.com/pricing/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=4011) support for Uncanny Toolkit. = = * Added [TutorLMS integration](https://loginwp.com/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=4010#pro-conditions). * Improved admin page loading speed. = = * Added noncache to temporary redirects. * Added user_id placeholder. * Added wp_logout() redirection support = = * Fix site and website url placeholder bug in multisite. = = * Compatibility with WP 5.9. * Pro: Added [LearnDash](https://loginwp.com/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=3006#pro-conditions) Enrolled Course and User Group redirect conditions. * Pro: Added [WooCommerce](https://loginwp.com/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=3006#pro-conditions) Purchased Product, Purchased Product Category, Active User Subscription, Active Membership Plan redirect conditions. * Pro: Added [MemberPress](https://loginwp.com/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=3006#pro-conditions) Subscribed Membership redirect condition. * Pro: Added [Restrict Content Pro](https://loginwp.com/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=3006#pro-conditions) Has Membership redirect condition. * Pro: Added [LifterLMS](https://loginwp.com/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=3006#pro-conditions) Enrolled Course and Enrolled Membership redirect conditions. = = * Added escaping to url fields in redirection UI * Added https://yoursite.tld/?loginwp_link_redirect=true for triggering login redirection. = = * Prefixed class exist check with backslash. * [Pro] [Added MemberMouse integration](https://loginwp.com/pricing/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=3004). = = * Fixed multisite installation bug. * Fixed issue where database migration didn't work. = = * Fixed issue where placeholders wasn't getting saved as url. * Improved BuddyPress/BuddyBoss support. = = * Fixed issue where placeholders wasn't getting saved as url. * Improved BuddyPress/BuddyBoss support. = = * Rebranded to LoginWP name * UI revamp * [Pro plugin](https://loginwp.com/pricing/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=3-release) now available = 2.9.9 = * Fixed bug in multisite activation support. = 2.9.8 = * Added multisite support. = 2.9.7 = * Added option to redirect to any url specified. = 2.9.6 = * Added back php file url base redirect. = 2.9.5 = * Fixed: logout redirect not working. * Remove php file redirect option. No longer used by many or used at all. * Plugin redirection is only manageable by manage_categories capability. Removed option to change this. = 2.9.4 = * Fixed: Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction. = 2.9.3 = * Move languages po/mo files into languages folder. = 2.9.2 = * 2019-02-23: Add CSRF protection (thanks RIPS!). Fixed translations for "username" variable instruction (thanks Jaime!). = 2.9.1 = * 2016-08-10: Support utf8mb4 encoding and prevent cross-site scripting when editing redirect URLs. = 2.9.0 = * 2015-09-25: Update translation text domain in order to support translate.wordpress.org translation system = 2.8.3 = * 2015-08-03: Add new URL variable "userslug" to match author URLs. = 2.8.2 = * 2014-09-06: Translation string fix. = 2.8.1 = * 2014-08-03: Support the deletion of rules referencing deleted user, roles, or levels. = 2.8.0 = * 2014-07-06: Improved management interface to add specific Edit and Delete buttons per rule, and removed limit around number of rules. = 2.7.2 = * 2013-10-07: Support PHP 5 static function calls, bumping WordPress requirement to 3.2+. = 2.7.1 = * 2013-07-05: Bug fix: Role-based login URLs weren't saving correctly. = 2.7.0 = * 2013-07-04: Add logout redirect URL control per-user, per-role, and per-level = 2.6.1 = * 2012-12-22: Allow editors to manage redirects in WordPress 3.5+ (required capability is now "manage_categories" instead of "manage_links"). = 2.6.0 = * 2012-09-22: Added support for URL variable "http_referer" (note the single "r") to redirect the user back to the page that hosted the login form, as long as the login page isn't the standard wp-login.php. There are several caveats to this, such as: If you want to redirect only on certain forms and/or specify a redirect on the standard wp-login.php page, you should modify the form itself to use a "redirect_to" form variable instead. = 2.5.3 = * 2012-06-15: Bug fix: Fallback redirect rule wouldn't update properly if logout URL was blank on MySQL installs with strict mode enabled (thanks kvandekrol!) = 2.5.2 = * 2012-02-06: Bug fix: Fallback redirect rule updates were broken for non-English installs. = 2.5.1 = * 2012-01-17: Bug fix: Redirect after registration back-end code was missed in 2.5.0, and thus that feature wasn't actually working. = 2.5.0 = * 2012-01-15: Added redirect after registration option. Also made plugin settings editable in the WordPress admin panel. = 2.4.0 = * 2012-01-05: Added support for URL variable "postid-23". Also added documentation on how to set up redirect on first login. = 2.3.0 = * 2011-11-06: Added support for URL variable "siteurl" and "homeurl". Also added filter to support custom replacement variables in the URL. See Other Notes / How to Extend for documentation. = 2.2.0 = * 2011-09-21: Support basic custom logout redirect URL for all users only. Future versions will have the same framework for logout redirects as for login redirects. = 2.1.1 = * 2011-08-13: Minor code cleanup. Note: users now need "manage_links" permissions to edit redirect settings by default. = 2.1.0 = * 2011-06-06: Added hooks to facilitate adding your own extensions to the plugin. See Other Notes / How to Extend for documentation. = 2.0.0 = * 2011-03-03: Added option to allow a redirect_to POST or GET variable to take precedence over this plugin's rules. = 1.9.3 = * 2010-12-15: Made plugin translatable. (Thanks Anja!) = 1.9.2 = * 2010-08-20: Bug fix in code syntax. = 1.9.1 = * 2010-08-03: Bug fix for putting the username in the redirect URL. = 1.9.0 = * 2010-08-02: Added support for a separate redirect controller URL for compatibility with Gigya and similar plugins that bypass the regular WordPress login redirect mechanism. See the $rul_use_redirect_controller setting within this plugin. = 1.8.1 = * 2010-05-13: Added proper encoding of username in the redirect URL if the username has spaces. = 1.8.0 = * 2010-03-18: Added the ability to specify a username in the redirect URL for more dynamic URL generation. = 1.7.3 = * 2010-03-04: Minor tweak on settings page for better compatibility with different WordPress URL setups. = 1.7.2 = * 2010-01-11: Plugin now removes its database tables when it is uninstalled, instead of when it is deactivated. This prevents the redirect rules from being deleted when upgrading WordPress automatically. = 1.7.1 = * 2009-10-07: Minor database compatibility tweak. (Thanks KCP!) = 1.7.0 = * 2009-05-31: Added option $rul_local_only (in the plugin file itself) to bypass the WordPress default limitation of only redirecting to local URLs. = 1.6.1 = * 2009-02-06: Minor database table tweak for better compatibility with different setups. (Thanks David!) = 1.6.0 = * 2008-11-26: Added a function rul_register that acts the same as the wp_register function you see in templates, except that it will return the custom defined admin address = 1.5.1 = * 2008-09-17: Fixed compatibility for sites with a different table prefix setting in wp-config.php. (Thanks Eric!)