CQA/ACC True Colours Quilt Along 2025

The CQA/ACC True Colours Quilt Along 2025 celebrates diversity and inclusion, with a focus on support for 2SLGBTQI+ communities leading up to Pride Month in June 2025. The goal is to ensure everyone feels welcome in the quilting circle.

We hope you’ll join us in January by making quilts and either gifting them to people you know, or donating them to organizations that supports 2SLGBTQI+ communities. Check this page in January for inspiration and donation ideas.

Call for Block Ideas


With a focus on support of 2SLGBTQI+* communities and Pride Month, what speaks to you of love, joy, belonging, friendship, community, equity, respect, and safe spaces?

Please share your ideas through this call for block designs! Twelve (12) blocks will be chosen from the submissions in early November, 2025, then patterns will be written and tested in preparation for a January 2025 Quilt Along launch.

PLEASE NOTE If your block idea is chosen as one of the 12 blocks included in the Quilt Along, you will be acknowledged on CQA/ACC social media, and invited to share the inspiration for your idea in the Summer 2025 issue of Canadian Quilter magazine.


Size: 12.5” x 12.5” (unfinished)

Suggested Colour Palette: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black, Brown, Pink, White

Quilt Design: Paper piecing, appliqué, piecing, combination of quilt designs, etc.

Format: Drawings, sketches, EQ8 file. Ready-to-make block patterns are also welcome.

Deadline: October 31, 2025

Send to: membership@canadianquilter.com

Got Questions?

Without giving up all of the quilt along details (you will have to wait until January 2025 for that!), here is some key information for block designers.

What types of block ideas are we looking for?

Block designs based on a theme of support for 2SLGBTQIA+ communities and Pride Month. Does that mean rainbows? It could, but it’s also so much more. What speaks to you of love, joy, belonging, friendship, community, equity, respect, and safe spaces? Unfinished block size: 12.5″ x 12.5″.

How will block designs be chosen?

12 block ideas will be chosen by a Selection Committee in early November 2024.

Do I have to provide a full pattern for my block design?

If you can, yes (but not until your block design has been chosen). If you can’t, not to worry. We have pattern writers volunteering to help develop patterns during November and December 2024. If you can create your pattern using EQ8, that would be much appreciated.

When does the Quilt Along start?

The Quilt Along will begin in January 2025 and run for 14 weeks.

We will be asking quilters to send us photos of their completed quilts, which will be used to create a display in the CQA/ACC booth at Quilt Canada 2025 in Toronto, featuring the colourful quilts created during the True Colours Quilt Along 2025.

Do I have to use the suggested colours?

The suggested colours are those used on the Pride Progress Flag, and support the Quilt Along theme. The 12 block designs chosen for the Quilt Along will all be different, but we will be aiming for a cohesive look for the full quilt pattern, if all 12 blocks are used. However, quilters can choose to use any colours/prints they wish when making their own quilts.

What if I don’t have EQ8, can I still submit a block design?

Yes! You can send in a drawing, a sketch, a PDF created in Illustrator or other drawing program…whatever works for you.

Should I test a block from my design and send it in?

No, at this point we are only look for ideas. Later, once the 12 blocks are chosen, we will be creating/confirming patterns and testing them.

When/How will I know if my blocks idea is chosen?

Block design selection will be completed in early November. All those who submitted a block design will be notified by email in mid-November if their block design was chosen.

What happens if my block design is chosen?

If your design is chosen, you will be asked to write instructions for it. If you need assistance, we have pattern writers who have volunteered to help. Then, we will work with you to test your pattern. These activities will occur during November and December.

If my block pattern is used in the Quilt Along, will I retain ownership of it?

When the designer provides complete pattern instructions: CQA/ACC requires exclusive use of the pattern during the True Colours QAL and until December 31, 2025, and then non-exclusive use of the pattern for up to five years (it usually remains on the website for a few years). The designer will receive credit wherever the pattern is published and/or promoted, and will be invited to share the inspiration for their block for publication in the Summer 2025 issue of Canadian Quilter.

When CQA/ACC produces the pattern instructions based on a design concept (drawing/sketch): CQA/ACC will retain exclusive use of the pattern in perpetuity. The designer will receive credit wherever the pattern is published and/or promoted, and will be invited to share the inspiration for their block for publication in the Summer 2025 issue of Canadian Quilter.

What will happen with the completed quilts?

More on this in January, but we will be encouraging quilters to either gift their quilts to a friend in need, or to an organization that supports  2SLGBTQIA+ communities, such as shelters. Some organizations accept quilts; others prefer cash donations raised by raffling a quilt. We will provide suggestions for donations across Canada.

What does 2SLGBTQIA+ stand for?

Two Spirit
Queer or Questioning
Plus (all of the gender identities and sexual orientations not explicitly mentioned above)

Please note: There are many versions of this acronym, and it is evolving. We are using a version commonly used in Canada.

Still have questions?

Please email your queries to membership@canadianquilter.com.